From Ho-Ho-Ho to Hot-Hot-Hot | |
by Carolyn Chase |
North Pole Gazette, Page 1-A
The report relies on recent scientific studies that document significant reductions in the thickness and extent of North Pole sea ice and find that the Arctic is warming at least twice as fast as the rest of the globe. The retreat and thinning of the sea ice means that Santa's home and sizable workshops at the North Pole sit on increasingly unstable and ever-thinning ice. Ultimately, global warming may force Santa to relocate. In particular, the CRIS Report identifies a number of likely changes to Santa's operations:
The CRIS Report predicts that by 2075 the North Pole will be slushy in summer months, with possible uneven settling of Santa's home and workshops. It further predicts that by 2100 the North Pole will no longer provide a viable base of operations for Santa, forcing change on both Santa Claus and Christmas traditions worldwide. More alarmingly,the report warns that global warming could trigger a sudden breakup of the ice pack during warmer summer months, triggering a holiday catastrophe unparalleled in human history. In a recent interview Santa worried, "These forced changes will have severe impacts on my operations and may open the door to increased competition from network mascots. How would you like to receive your gifts from the Warner Christmas Frog?" He also complained that air conditioning ducts take more time than fireplaces, especially given rising world population. Asked to comment, a representative from a fossil fuel industry-backed lobbying group, the Coalition for the Ultimate Santa (CoalfortheUS), dismissed the impacts of both Santa and global warming. CoalfortheUS representative E. Stooge stated, "It's time that children, scientists and environmentalists accept that both Santa Claus and human-caused global warming are fantasy. Rather than limiting our so-called greenhouse gas emissions, we must adapt the cultural identity of Santa and Christmas to these natural changes." In a related development, the coal industry kicked off a barrage of pre-holiday ads, pushing parents to purchase lumps of coal for their children. The industry asserts that giving young children coal for the holidays promotes more rapid maturation and earlier productivity. PEople for Authentic Santas Everywhere, PEASE, a citizen's advocacy group working to support the traditional Santa via a grass roots "S.O.S. - Save Our Santa" campaign, stated, "If you need proof that industry is readying you for global warming-induced changes in Santa, watch this season's TV ads to see the corporate vision for the future: Santa in SUVs, Santa surrounded by fashion models, Santa in sunglasses, Santa using UPS, Santa on the internet. We can act now to curb global warming or we can lose the Santa we know and love." Save Our Santa was set in motion by recent news reports about the impacts of global warming on the Arctic (North Pole) ice cap. Scientists at the Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center in Norway found a 4.6 percent decline in ice extent and a 5.8 percent decline in actual ice area between 1978 and 1994. Further, scientists at the University of Washington, using data acquired by U.S. Navy submarines, discovered a "striking" reduction in the thickness of Arctic sea ice, including the ice under the North Pole, as compared with 20-40 years ago. The average draft of the sea ice (that is, its thickness from the ocean surface to the bottom of the ice pack) has declined on average by 4.3 feet (1.3 meters). This represents a reduction of about 40 percent as compared with the earlier period. Most of the reports on global warming focus
on impacts to natural systems, but our culture is also intimately
related to climate. Changes in snow and rainfall and temperature
will affect how our families celebrate many seasonal holidays,
as well as many recreational activities. Happy Holidays to all
and best of luck to Santa! |