Driving Taxes | |
by Carolyn Chase |
The June 15 deadline for passing a state budget has come and gone, and the governor and the state Legislature have failed to come to agreement. Rather than the usual squabbling over the few pennies the state has to spend after its statutory obligations, this year the sticking point is a $4 billion surplus that resulted from a booming economy. Should we work down the backlog of public infrastructure needs? Deal with the unbudgeted impacts of growth? Find a way to give everyone a break? Simply give it back to all taxpayers? Nope. Governor Wilson has proposed a tax cut for cars. The VLF is currently 2% of a vehicle's market value, based on the purchase price and adjusted for depreciation over time. Wilson has proposed a 50% cut in the VLF rate to take effect January 1, 1999, followed on January 1, 2002 by an additional cut to bring the rate to 25% of its current value. This type of tax is known as progressive because it is linked with peoples' ability to pay. If you don't have a car, you don't pay this tax. If you have a cheap clunker, you don't pay much. If you have a luxury vehicle, you pay the most. The vehicle license fee is one of the state's major revenue sources, expected to bring in nearly $4 billion in 1998-9. Under a 1984 amendment to the state constitution, VLF revenues are dedicated to local government. The VLF provides approximately 10 percent of cities' tax revenues and 25 percent of counties' tax revenues. About three-fourths of the $3.9 billion annual proceeds go to cities and counties for their unrestricted use. The remaining fourth goes to counties to support mental health, social services, and health programs that were transferred to local government as part of the 1991 shift known as realignment. The City of San Diego shows almost $51 million
in expected VLF revenues for 1999. 1998 showed $48.2 million,
which makes up 8.8% of the General Fund. By comparison, the highly
touted "Transient Occupancy Tax" or TOT funds make
up 8% of General Fund revenues. The General Fund pays for police,
fire, "life safety services," parks, libraries, waste
management and all financial, technical, engineering and administrative
services provided by the City. It is folly to use the existence of a surplus to take reliable funds from local government coffers. Adequacy of revenue should be ensured by retention of existing sources of revenue with bases as broad as possible consistent with fairness. Whether the repeal impacts local governments or the state's general fund, however, it would reduce the contribution that vehicle owners make to covering the public costs imposed by their vehicles. The benefits of cars are undisputed, but the public and environmental costs of vehicle use include air pollution, energy consumption, global climate change, sprawl, and loss of habitat and open space. Yet vehicle owners pay only a fraction of the total cost of vehicle use. Direct and indirect subsidies provided to motor vehicles take the forms of road construction and maintenance; free and subsidized parking; police, fire and ambulance services; health services for illnesses caused by air pollution; and property taxes lost from land cleared for highways. Vehicle license fees are a small price to
pay for imposing such heavy costs on society. In a rational world,
vehicle license fees would go to offset vehicle impacts. Needless
to say, we are not there yet. But we certainly should not be
speeding in the opposite direction. Instead, we have the same old political formula:
tax cuts for the rich. This tax break would go to upper-income
car owners with new, expensive vehicles. People driving new or
expensive cars may want a tax cut, but they surely don't need
one. Tax relief should be spread fairly or target real problems
and not be provided to those who need it the least: anyone able
to operate an expensive car in the state of California. |