Politically Confused | |
by Carolyn Chase |
Are the rest of us any less politically confused? What about the voting public-at-large? What are we collectively for? Is there anything other than trivia or crisis that everyone can rally behind? What can we work toward that's not so utopian as to be ridiculous, but deals seriously with the infrastructure and politics needed to deal with the impacts of growth? Does anyone really believe that the initiative process is the best way to deal with the complex issues of land use and planning for growth? What kind of leadership is required to deal with integrating economic, social and environmental concerns? When will the environment really be integrated as real litmus test for politicians? A Roper Report survey reported that overwhelming majorities of Americans envision the "expected problems" of the future to be environmental. The top concern of those surveyed was severe air and water pollution, with the next four problems on the list also having to do with the environment. While polls say that a vast majority of Americans are "environmentalists," this has not translated into environmental friendly politics nor much real environmental political leadership from either major party. We need lessons in ecological economics, but we need candid political leadership on the choices ahead even more. The question of who is really an environmentalist-politician is not an easy one and there are too few contenders. The League of Conservation Voters tracks key votes in Congress, and the Sierra Club evaluates candidates and initiatives at local, state and national levels. But you can find divergence in these endorsements as well. We are not exactly living in an age of "environmental politics." Environmental politics for the most part is missing. And it's missing that it's missing. The environment, as a litmus test of politicians and political acts doesn't often come into play seriously. Other things are perceived as closer to home, specifically, the economy , crime and education take precedence - except in times of crisis when we finally figure out we have to do something. It seems too much to ask, either the American people, or their politicians, to integrate all of these vital areas. Instead we are in an era of ideological warfare and denial about our responsibilities. The fact of the matter is that the environment should not be a partisan issue. But it has turned into one. Governor Pete Wilson left office on a wave of vetoes of 26 environmentally friendly bills negotiated and passed by both the Republican majority Senate and the Democratic majority Assembly. He struck down measures both large and small and often added petty comments: AB 1368 (Villaraigosa) -- The Carl Moyer Memorial
Air Quality Standards AB 278 (Escutia) -- The Children's Environmental
Health Protection Act. PW: "California laws, regulations and
administrative practices AB 2432 -- Would have required energy-efficiency
measures and SB 1363 - Would have authorized the Department
of Fish and AB 2404 -- The Sea Life Conservation Act.
Would have SB 1875 -- Would have required the Metropolitan
Water District AB 2339 -- Would have required the regional
water boards to AB 1169 -- Would have required Internet posting
of certain As you can tell, from just this short list, this Republican Governor was unable to support even moderate, incentive-based and educational programs negotiated through the gauntlet of the people's legislature. These vetoes don't exactly represent the will of "the people" now do they? I would say they more represent the will of large lobbying groups with connections to the Governor and the interests of future Republican party movers and shakers. The sad news is the Republican party harbors and empowers the "worst of the worst" of those who have ideological passions against environmental education, standards, and enforcement, even in the face of strong scientific evidence. Especially in Congress, their commitments to individual property rights over the rights of the commons and the general public are zealous and often religious in their fervor. And it's not like these folks are just a part of the Republican majority. They are in positions of power in the Republican majority and use those positions to block all manner of positive policies and to advance the backward-looking subsidies and wishes of the big timber, mining, and waste industries. Every time I even attempt to address the rampant partisanship in the battlefield of environmental politics, I get unsympathetic letters from Republicans essentially saying - hey, I'm really for conserving the environment - after all I'm a conservative - so give the Republicans a break. For the record, I was raised in a Republican household but have never been active in any party politics. I am now a registered Green, but as a party, the Greens are dysfunctional (though one could make that observation - to some degree - about all political parties in the U.S.A. today.) So while I'm culturally sympathetic to Republican ideals for conservation, I'm much more interested in seeing their ideals move beyond mere sentimental lip-service. There are a few Republican environmentalists, but they are marginalized and unable to deal with the ideological loyalties of other parts of the party. To conservation-minded Republicans I say: get your house in order. If you want your party to really be about conservation, you have a lot of work to do. As for the Democrats, they too have fundamental problems in integrating environmental priorities with other socioeconomic interests. Many Democrats may not understand how to integrate environmental issues with others, but they are at least more willing to listen and learn. To environmentally-minded Democrats I say: get your house in order too. If you want your party to really be about environmental justice, you have a lot of work to do. With so many issues vying for attention, what
will the election be about? To the extent that the Republicans
persist in both drawing out the public crucifixion of President
Clinton, and manipulating last-minute anti-environmental deals,
we might just see an anti-Republican-zealotry vote emerge and
regretfully, I have to conclude that at this point in our political
evolution this too, would be good for the environment. |