" asier
said than done" seems to sum up 1997 in our part of the
Pacific Southwest. It was a year of status quo politics with
contempt on all sides for all kinds of deals. Increasing economic
activity is stoking the fires for projects of all types, with
little sustainable support for infrastructure and environmental
controls in sight. Increasing populist democratic activity, in
the form of ballot initiatives, is on the horizon as we move
into an election year.
Most of the biggest deals
were seemingly disconnected from the public-at-large. Even when
the terms stunk, as with the stadium, by the time the public
found out - usually through belated print media reports - it
was too late to assert much change.
Big multi-year projects (Multiple
Species Conservation Plan and the Zoning Code Update) passed
major milestones. The County's solid waste system was unceremoniously
sold off. Some key open space acquisitions were made. Local wetlands
protections were gutted. The trolley was extended - but right
through an sensitive wetlands and the flood plain. Beach pollution
warning signs were finally posted as needed, although little
progress was made to decrease the pollution. Often, two steps
forward were met with three steps back.
Can we do better next year?
Or will it be a knock-down, drag-out circus throughout "off
year" elections when voters will get to choose the winners
and losers? Many are looking forward to having a chance at the
The challenges of growth are
ahead. As the 90s unwind, we are on the verge of huge commitments
to new growth. 1998 will be a turning point. Will we grow up?
Or will we continue to grow out and perpetuate our pattern of
L.A./Orange County urban sprawl and massive congestion? The County
Water Authority will continue its drive to close a deal to import
Imperial County water to support another 1 to 1.5 million residents.
Updates are in the works for both the City and County General
Plans. Where will the next million live? We want their money,
but we definitely don't want their traffic.
Several projects opening the
City's Future Urbanizing Area to large developments (surrounding
the completion of State Route 56) will be on the ballot. Other
potentially divisive ballot battles to be resolved include the
grass roots "Rural Heritage & Watershed Initiative"
and the well-heeled "English for the Children Initiative."
RHWI seeks to establish an urban limit line for growth. ECI seeks
to limit education to English. These appeals for a direct vote
of the people show the diversity of issues shunned by elected
officials due to their controversial nature. Who knows - maybe
there will even be a vote on the Convention Center.
Why aren't these issues being
addressed by our elected representatives instead of private citizens?
The use of the initiative to achieve progress is a rational response
to corrupted day-to-day government practices. Democracy suffers
when too many people stay on the sidelines. With most folks working
and busy doing their lives, those who can afford to spend lots
of time downtown are there to make money off of deals needing
government funding or approval. The few real citizens who show
up are labeled blockades to progress by the power elite. The
system is definitely out of balance.
The end of the year is a good
time to review progress, assess prospects and resolve to do better.
End-of-year resolutions usually meets with quick failure. Civic
improvement is what's needed, but everything works against the
average citizen at City Hall. One thing is certain: San Diegans
love to volunteer and make a difference. But most have little
patience or time for the kind of conflict and deal cutting required
to be a civic volunteer in the political processes that matter.
It's easier to ignore it or leave it to the papers, or wait until
the next ballot.
All in all, it was a good
year for developers. They got most of what they wanted and that
should lead to a prosperous new year for some. Now the people
will have a chance to see if they can preserve some of the public
good at the same time.
My personal wish for the new
year: that it be a year for more giving by those who should and
less taking by those who can.  |