Conference on Voluntary Simplicity
First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego
4190 Front Street, Hillcrest, San Diego
(across from UCSD Medical Center)
- Conference Goal:
- Inspire individuals to make changes in their
personal lives to: consume less, live simpler and more meaningful
lives, and live with less environmental impact. Youth are encouraged
to attend.
- Friday, Feb 4 -- 7 pm-9 pm
- Meeting House. Free Lecture by Cecile Andrews
"Simplify Your Life -- Slow Down and Enjoy the Things That
Really Matter"
- Saturday, Feb 5 -- 8:30 am - 5 pm
- Bard Hall. Workshop with Cecile Andrews "Simplicity
- Redefining the Good Life" The workshop will be interactive
and will cover an overview of voluntary simplicity, moving away
from being a consumer oriented culture, and taking personal action.
Advanced registration is required for the Saturday workshop (suggested
donation $5). We have limited space. Register early! Please bring
your own lunch. Drinks and snacks are provided.
Guest Speaker/Workshop Leader
- Cecile Andrews is author of "The Circle
of Simplicity: Return to the Good Life." She works with
the Seeds of Simplicity as director of the Simplicity Circles
Project and writes a column called "Simplicity" for
the Seattle Times. Her work has been featured, in The
New York Times, Esquire, The Los Angles Times, The Washington
Post and on NPR, the PBS documentary "Escape from Affluenza,"
and the CNN documentary "People Count," among others.
- For More Information:
- Call Marge Wurgel at (619) 263-2165, email: margewur or Suellen Sorenson at (858) 278-8078.
- Conference Sponsors
- First Unitarian Universalist Church's Voluntary
Simplicity Group (a task force of the Social Action Committee),
Helen Meyer's Forum, and Social Justice Endowment Fund.