The history and benefits of hemp
Everything you ever wanted to know -- and maybe more -- about hemp.
by Anon |
emp is another word for the plant Cannabis
sativa L. Marijuana comes from this same plant genus and so do broccoli and cauliflower. But the strains of hemp used in industrial and consumer products contain only a negligible level of the intoxicating substance delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Thus, industrial grade hemp is not
Hemp is the most useful and
beneficial plant in nature.
Hemp as food
Hemp seeds are drug-free and extremely nutritious. They
can be eaten whole, pressed into edible oil like soybeans, or ground into
flour for baking. They are one of the best sources of vegetable protein.
They contain a full complement of essential amino acids, essential fatty-acids
(EFA'S), and have been shown to lower blood cholesterol and dissolve plaque
in coronary arteries.
Because hemp is such a hardy plant,
it can grow easily and abundantly almost anywhere, and can provide nutrition
where other edible crops just won't grow. Hemp can even be cultivated in
arid regions with poor soil like Saharan Africa or in places with a very
short growing season like Scandinavia.
Hemp for body care
Hemp seed oil is perfectly suited for hair and skin care.
Its nutritional value, combined with its moisturizing and replenishing EFA's,
make it one of the best vegetable body care foundations. Hemp seed oil's
EFA complement includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3, omega-6, omega-9,
linoleic acid, and gamma linoleic acids (GLA's). Although they are very
effective in skin care maintenance, GLA's are rarely found in natural oils.
Hemp is an excellent source of GLA's. |
Paper from hemp
Hemp paper is naturally acid-free. The oldest printed paper
in existence is a 100 percent hemp Chinese text dated to 770 AD. Thomas
Jefferson drafted both the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution
on hemp paper.
Hemp's cellulose level is almost
three times that of wood, so it makes superior paper and yields four times
as much pulp per acre as trees. The hemp paper process also utilizes less
energy and fewer chemicals than tree paper processing and doesn't create
the harmful dioxins, chloroform, or any of the other 2,000 chlorinated organic
compounds that have been identified as byproducts of the wood paper process.
Hemp is a sustainable, annual crop
that is ready for harvest just 120 days after going to seed, compared to
trees which take tens or hundreds of years to reach maturity. Further, harvesting
hemp doesn't destroy the natural habitats of thousands of distinct animal
and plant species.
Historically, hemp was an important
source of paper fiber until the early 1900's when chemicals were developed
to advance the wood paper pulp industry. Wood pulp paper rode the chemical
revolution to its apex before the public health hazards of toxic chemicals
were an issue and before the environmental consequences of clear-cutting
forests were appreciated.
Hemp as fuel
Hemp seeds have provided a combustible fuel oil throughout
human history. More importantly, though, the same high cellulose level that
makes hemp ideal for paper also makes it perfect for ethanol fuel production.
Ethanol is the cleanest-burning liquid bio-alternative to gasoline. In one
test, an unleaded gasoline automobile engine produced a thick, black carbon
residue in its exhaust, while the tailpipe of a modified ethanol engine
tested for the same 3,500 miles remained pristine and residue-free.
Ethanol is derived from plant cellulose.
Plants absorb carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight and produce oxygen and
cellulose, which contains the sun's energy captured in plant cells. When
ethanol combusts, it releases energy, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. The
carbon dioxide is then absorbed by plants, along with water and sunlight,
to create more oxygen and cellulose. It is a clean and sustainable cycle.
Since gasoline engines are a primary
source of carbon monoxide and greenhouse gases, alternative fuels such as
ethanol could contribute significantly to the rejuvenation of our atmospheric
air quality. Hemp provides a sustainable, renewable, and natural alternative
to toxic fossil fuels.
Hemp as paint & plastic
Hemp oil extract can also be used as an ingredient in nontoxic,
biodegradable inks, paints, and varnishes. It is an ideal raw material for
plant-based plastics such as cellophane as well as more recently developed
cellulose-based plastics.
Henry Ford himself manufactured the
body of an automobile from hemp-based plastic in 1941. The plastic was much
lighter than steel and could withstand ten times the impact without denting.
The car was even fueled by clean-burning hemp-based ethanol fuel.
Hemp as textile fiber
Hemp is the longest and strongest plant fiber. It is extremely
abrasion and rot resistant and was the primary source of canvas, sail, rope,
twine, and webbing fiber for hundreds of years before nylon was patented
by DuPont in 1937. Hemp was used for clothing, military uniforms, ship's
rigging, shoes, parachute webbing, baggage, and much more. Christopher Columbus'
ships were fully rigged in hemp. The U.S.S. Constitution, "Old Ironsides,"
was outfitted with over 40 tons of hemp rigging.
Because of the multitude of uses
for hemp, the early Colonial American governments mandated its cultivation.
Early American settlers even used hemp fiber as money and to pay taxes.
Because of its length and strength, hemp fiber can be woven into natural
advanced composites, which can then be fashioned into anything from fast
food containers to skateboard decks to the body of a stealth fighter.
Concrete from hemp
Madame France Perrier builds about 300 houses per year out
of hemp in France. Years ago she researched ways to petrify vegetable matter.
During her studies, she found evidence in ancient Egyptian archaeological
sites of hemp-based concrete. When she discovered the ingredients of the
mix, she duplicated the method. She mixes hemp hurds (the inner fiber) with
limestone and water, which causes the hemp to harden into a substance stronger
than cement and only one sixth the weight. Madame Perrier' isochanvre is
also more flexible than concrete, giving it a major advantage over conventional
building materials, especially in areas throughout the world that are prone
to earthquakes. |
Hemp replacing wood
Bill Conde is the owner of the largest Redwood lumberyard
in Oregon, and one of the few lumber men willing to admit hemp's benefits.
His family has been in the lumber industry for generations. He is a firsthand
witness to the destruction of the nation's pristine forests. The fiberboard
offshoot of the lumber industry is one of the most threatening to the world's
Fiberboard, or pressboard, is made
by chipping trees into small pieces and then compressing the chips into
boards using adhesives. This industry is so destructive because chip plants
can use young immature trees, which are just as useful for pressboard as
older trees. These mills threaten to destroy even the youngest of forests.
Conde and the highly regarded wood products division of Washington State
University developed a method of fabricating tree-free pressboard out of
hemp. The method uses existing technology and wood-chip mills. Their hemp
fiberboard is superior in strength and quality to the same product produced
using trees.
Hemp as rotation crop and soil rejuvenator
Hemp is an ideal rotation crop for farmers worldwide. It
puts down a taproot twelve inches long in only thirty days, preventing topsoil
erosion. Its water requirements are negligible, so it doesn't require much
irrigation and will grow in arid regions. It matures from seed in only 120
days, so it doesn't need a long growing season. Hemp's soil nutrients concentrate
in the plant's roots and leaves. After harvest, the roots remain and the
leaves are returned to the fields. In this way, soil nutrients are preserved.
Hemp is also a beneficial crop for
the Earth itself. It is very easy on the land. It doesn't need many nutrients,
so it doesn't require chemical fertilizers. Hemp outcompetes other weeds,
so it doesn't need herbicides to thrive. Even hemp strains that are 100
percent THC-free produce their own resins that make the crop naturally pest-free,
so it doesn't require toxic chemical pesticides. Hemp actually leaves the
soil in better condition than before it was planted.
Hemp as public enemy #1
Hemp was the first plant known to have been domestically
cultivated. The oldest relic of human history is hemp fabric dated to 8,000
BC from ancient Mesopotamia, an area in present-day Turkey. It has been
grown as long as recorded history for food, fuel, fiber, and for another
legitimate use, which is not even discussed here for the sake of brevity
medicine. So, with all these uses and benefits, why is cannabis cultivation
illegal in the United States today? Here is a brief history of cannabis
Hemp was a primary source of paper,
textile, and cordage fiber for thousands of years until just after the turn
of the 20th century. It was at this time that companies like DuPont first
developed chemicals that enabled trees to be processed into paper.
DuPont's chemicals made wood pulp
paper cheaper than paper made from annual crops like hemp. At the same time
Wm. Randolph Hearst, the owner of the largest newspaper chain in the United
States, backed by Mellon Bank, invested significant capital in timberland
and wood paper mills to produce his newsprint using DuPont's chemicals.
DuPont also developed nylon fiber
as a direct competitor to hemp in the textile and cordage industries. Nylon
was even billed as synthetic hemp.
DuPont was also manufacturing chemical
pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers useful in the cotton industry, another
hemp competitor.
Mellon Bank, owned by U.S. Treasury
Secretary Andrew Mellon, was also DuPont's primary financier. Mellon's niece
was married to Harry Anslinger, deputy commissioner of the federal government's
alcohol prohibition campaign. After the repeal of Prohibition, Anslinger
and his entire federal bureau were out of a job. But Treasurer Mellon didn't
let that happen. Andrew Mellon single-handedly created a new government
bureaucracy, the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, to keep his family and friends
employed. And then he unapologetically appointed his own niece's husband,
Harry Anslinger, as head of the new multimillion dollar bureaucracy.
At the same time, a machine was developed
that was to hemp what the cotton gin was to cotton: it allowed hemp's long,
tough fiber to be mass processed efficiently and economically for the first
time. Popular Mechanics, in February 1937, predicted hemp would be
the world's first "Billion Dollar Crop" that would support thousands
of jobs and provide a vast array of consumer products from dynamite to plastics.
This potential rejuvenation of hemp
was a major threat to Secretary Mellon's friends and business associates,
especially Randolph Hearst with his wood paper industry and Lammont DuPont
with his petrochemical and synthetic fiber conglomerates. After all, hemp
farmers wouldn't need DuPont's chemicals to grow their hemp because the
crop is self-sufficient. The hemp-based ethanol fuel that was mentioned
in the Popular Mechanics' article probably didn't sit too well with the
oil companies of the time. They also couldn't have been too thrilled to
learn that this same plant produced high-strength plastics without a petroleum
base. The hemp-based plastics developed at the time were stronger and lighter
than steel, which we can imagine wasn't the best news for the steel industry.
In addition, the growing pharmaceutical
companies were producing synthetic drugs to replace natural medicines. Hemp
extract was used for thousands of years to effectively treat everything
from epileptic fits to rheumatoid arthritis. Chances are, hemp's resurgence
wasn't good news for these drug companies either.
What we see is that the potential
revival of the hemp industry was a threat to almost all the corporate giants
of the time, and Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon was at the top of this
food chain.
So Commissioner Anslinger, Mellon's
appointee, begins researching rumors that immigrants from Mexico are smoking
the flowers of the hemp plant. Racism was rampant at the time, and there
was a government movement to curb the number of immigrants crossing the
U.S. border at Mexico. Anslinger plugged into the racist sentiment, and
began referring to the "hemp" that Americans knew cannabis to
be, as "marijuana," the Mexican slang word for the plant. He labeled
it as a "narcotic" even though cannabis flowers cannot cause narcosis,
and spread exaggerated stories and outright lies that Mexicans and blacks
became violent and disrespectful to whites when they smoked the "evil
menace marijuana."
This slander of cannabis was all
just fine for Anslinger's friends, the Mellons, the DuPonts, and the Hearsts.
In fact, Hearst's newspapers picked up on the propaganda and fueled the
fire by publishing hundreds of lurid stories about people raping and murdering
while under the influence of marijuana. The sensationalism sold lots of
newspapers, and the people of the country actually based their opinions
on this one-sided information. Of course the stories never mentioned the
hemp that people used everyday as rope, paper, medicine, and more. The stories
always referred to cannabis by the Mexican slang word, marijuana.
With the moral and prohibitive fervor
of the time duly stirred, Anslinger took his show to Congress. At the proceedings
of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, Anslinger didn't mention that marijuana
was hemp. And because anti-marijuana propaganda didn't mention that basic
fact, hemp industries found out almost too late about the effort to criminalize
cannabis cultivation. Testimony was heard from the full gamut of hemp companies
and advocates, from birdseed suppliers to cordage manufacturers, from farmers
to physicians, all touting hemp's importance in American history and the
many industrial, agricultural, medicinal, and economic benefits of cannabis.
Only after their testimony, was the wording of the bill changed to allow
for the continued legal cultivation of industrial hemp. Anslinger even backed
off on hemp prohibition in a very cunning maneuver.
After the Act was passed, Anslinger
single-handedly usurped congressional power by mandating hemp prohibition.
He justified his action by saying that his agents couldn't tell the difference
between industrial hemp and marijuana in the field, so hemp cultivation
made enforcement of marijuana prohibition impossible. This unconstitutional
usurpation of congressional law is still in effect today as the Department
of Justice and the DEA still cling to Anslinger's unjust and unjustifiable
prohibition on domestic hemp cultivation.
Hemp for victory
With the United States entering World War II only four
years after hemp's prohibition, and the synthetic fiber industry still in
its infancy, the armed forces experienced a dangerous shortage of fiber
for the war effort. In 1942, the U.S. government performed a convenient
about-face on the hemp issue. The United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) produced and distributed a motion picture called "Hemp for Victory"
in which the federal government not only promoted the many uses of cannabis
hemp, but also detailed the most efficient cultivation and harvesting methods.
The picture pronounced, "Hemp for mooring ships! Hemp for tackle and
gear! Thread for shoes for millions of American soldiers! And parachute
webbing for our paratroopers! Hemp for Victory!"
By the end of the war, hemp was no
longer needed for strategic purposes and synthetic fiber was being produced
more efficiently and abundantly than ever. The same soldiers that hemp had
supplied with ship's rigging, rope, tackle, gear, shoes, and parachutes
turn against their recent ally. The Marines themselves, armed with flame-throwers,
and Air Force pilots in crop dusters are ordered to destroy the same million
acres of hemp that were recently planted for the war effort. These actions
were the beginning of the modern war on marijuana, or more correctly, the
modern war on cannabis, including non-drug hemp.
The war on hemp
This is a war that Harry Anslinger took to the United Nations.
As U.S. representative on the UN's drug committee, Anslinger initiated a
series of conventions to prohibit the plant worldwide. To this day, most
nations (especially the poorer ones) cannot get aid from the United States
unless they have a government plan to eradicate hemp.
For example, Bangladesh. "Bang"
means marijuana; Bang-la-desh means marijuana-land-people. The U.S. government
went into Bangladesh and cropdusted their country with toxic herbicides.
Not only did we poison the people of Bangladesh with our "War on Drugs",
but we killed all the hemp that was holding the hillsides together. There
was massive flooding and landslides as a direct result of America's global
drug policy.
Another example is when we paid King
Hassad of Syria to go into the camps of Lebanese Bedouin nomads and cut
down their hemp fields, their food and fiber, with tanks! Harry Anslinger's
modern-day successors, true to his irrational and fanatical methods, are
waging a global genocide war against a plant!
It's not about drugs
The DEA and Department of Justice's claim that the prohibition
of domestic hemp cultivation should continue because of its relationship
to marijuana is a farce. There are strains of industrial hemp that are entirely
drug-free. Law enforcement's contention that high-THC cannabis could be
hidden in a hemp field is also erroneous, as cross-pollination would ruin
the marijuana.
Their claim that it's too difficult
to tell the difference in the field is also a lie. Industrial hemp looks
more like bamboo than marijuana, and the other 30 industrial nations that
cultivate hemp legally have no problem identifying the types of cannabis
in their fields. The fact that the Drug Enforcement Agency is prohibiting
a drug-free plant is proof positive that the hemp issue is not about drugs.
There is no drug in the plant.
It's all about money
The prohibition of domestic hemp growth is about what everything
is about in this country. It's about money. The drug war is big business
huge business. If hemp cultivation were legalized, there would be an awful
lot of DEA agents out of a job.
Consider this: of the one-and-a-half
billion cannabis plants found and destroyed by U.S. drug agents between
1993 and 1997, only fourteen million were marijuana. That's 0.9 percent.
That means that 99.1 percent were low-THC hemp. Legalizing hemp would translate
to laying off 99.1 percent of all agents of the War on Marijuana, 99.1 percent
fewer guns, helicopters, automobiles, flack jackets, etc. That's a lot of
money in government contracts.
Hemp is a plant that can naturally
and sustainably provide many products presently available only from corporate
giants like DuPont, International Paper, Texaco, BASF and the like. They
could lose billions if hemp was grown in the United States for fiber, paper,
fuel, and plastics. They have millions of dollars to back anti-hemp propaganda.
They sponsor programs like D.A.R.E. and The Partnership for a Drug-Free
America that equate hemp's cousin marijuana with deadly drugs like heroin
and methamphetamine to prevent Americans from learning the truth. The cannabis
leaf has even become the poster child for the drug war. Corporate-backed
programs such as D.A.R.E. and The Partnership for a Drug-Free America are
teaching our children that this incredible Earth-friendly plant is as dangerous
as heroin and methamphetamine. These corporations slander cannabis while
promoting themselves as lovers and supporters of the environment. They run
TV commercials that would have us believe that they are environmental activists
with deceptive claims and scenes of pristine streams and forests. But what
they really do is clear-cut pristine rainforests, poison our air with ozone-depleting
greenhouse gases, and produce tons of toxic chemicals that end up in our
drinking water.
Hemp's comeback is in our hands
So how do we change it all? What can we do to show the
multinational mega-corporations that we care about our environment even
if they don't?
Remember, it's all about money. If
we continue to buy the same old products from the same old companies that
have gotten us into this mess, we can expect more of the same destruction.
But, we can affect positive change by buying products produced from sustainable
sources by environmentally responsible companies.
Of all the sustainable sources for
consumer products, hemp is uniquely suited to provide the widest variety
of life's necessities and comforts. In this way, hemp is nature's gift to