ne hundred eighty-seven US companies and other organizations
have reported to the Energy Information Administration 1,507
projects that claimed reductions or offsets of greenhouse gas
emissions in 1998 of 212 million metric tons of carbon dioxide
equivalent, or about 3.2 percent of total US emissions for the
year. This is almost three times the 74 million metric tons of
reductions and offsets reported in 1994, the first year of a
voluntary reporting program called for by the Energy Policy Act
of 1992. "Voluntary Reporting of Greenhouse Gases 1998,"
released last month, discusses the results of the fifth year
of the program.
With 105
reporters, the electric power sector continues to provide most
of the participants in the program. Reporters included nearly
all of the largest generating utilities in the United States.
These companies reported projects such as improved plant efficiencies,
cogeneration, use of non-fossil fuels such as nuclear and renewable
fuels, and demand-side management programs that reduce power
use by their customers. Other reported projects cover many different
approaches to reducing or offsetting emissions, and include such
activities as methane recovery projects at landfills, urban forestry,
and worldwide tree planting projects.
The number
of participants from outside the electric power sector was more
than six times the number reporting in the first year of the
program. These companies now comprise 44 percent of the reporters
to the program and include firms engaged in automobile manufacturing,
petroleum production and refining, coal mining, the chemical
industry, the metals industry, health care, pharmaceuticals,
food, home furnishings and electronic equipment.
The Voluntary
Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Program, required by Section 1605(b)
of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, is part of US Government efforts
to develop innovative, low-cost, and nonregulatory approaches
to limit emissions of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases, which
include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and halogenated
substances such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons
(PFCs), absorb infrared energy and prevent it from leaving the
atmosphere. Increasing levels of these gases in the atmosphere
may contribute to an increase in average global temperatures,
resulting in adverse climate changes.
The Voluntary
Reporting Program affords an opportunity for any organization
or individual to establish a public record of its achievements
in reducing or offsetting greenhouse gas emissions in a national,
publicly available database. Participants may report aggregate
emissions and emission reductions as well as any activity that
reduces or offsets greenhouse gas emissions. Offsetting emissions
typically involves sequestering carbon by growing trees, which
removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Reporting of Greenhouse Gases 1998" is available electronically
on EIA's web site at: www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/1605/vrrpt/index.html.
Printed copies of the report are available from the US Government Printing Office, (202) 512-1800, or through EIA's National Energy Information Center, (202) 586-8800. For further information on reporting emission reductions or accessing a public database of the voluntary reports, contact EIA at 1-800-803-5182 or via email at infoghg eia.doe.gov.