League Announces Endorsements
The League of Conservation Voters San Diego endorsements for the March 7 primary election
he California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) is the nation's largest and oldest state political action organization for the environment. Founded in 1972, CLCV mobilizes California voters to support environmentally responsible candidates and issues, and serves as a watchdog to hold elected officials accountable for their environmental votes. CLCV is a nonpartisan organization supported by 30,000 members, working in coalition with a wide spectrum of environmental and community groups. The League of Conservation Voters of San Diego (LCVSD) is a local chapter of the California League of Conservation Voters.
The LCVSD's process of determining election endorsements includes a 6-part questionnaire submitted to each of the candidates. This is followed by candidate interviews with the LCVSD Directors. The questions submitted to the candidates are listed below. LCVSD urges everyone to vote! Your participation matters!
Endorsees running for San Diego City Council include:
- Scott Peters in District 1 (North City Coastal)
- San Diegans for Scott Peters
PO Box 1852/La Jolla, CA 92038
(858) 729-9920
www.scottpeters.net; email: scott scottpeters.net
- Toni Atkins in District 3 (Uptown, mid-city)
- Toni Atkins for City Council
- 3535 Adams Ave./San Diego, CA 92116
- (619) 281-8664
- www.toniatkins.net; email: toni2000@aol.com
- Brian Maienschein [pronounced "main shine" like in "sunshine"] in District 5 (North City Inland)
- 11808 Rancho Bernardo Rd. #123, PMB 452/San Diego CA 92128
- (619) 743-1678
- www.votebrian.homepage.com;
- email: votebrian@pacbell.net
- Deanna Spehn in District 7 (College area/Tierra Santa/Mission Trails)
- Friends of Deanna Spehn
- 10371 Matador Ct./San Diego, CA 92124
- (858) 565-4018
- email: dspehn1@san.rr.com
LCVSD did not make an endorsement for Mayor for the primary. LCVSD also endorsed:
- Pam Slater for reelection to the County Board of Supervisors District 3 (north coastal).
- Friends of Pam Slater
- PO Box 1274/La Jolla, CA 92038-1274
- (858)481-3357
- www.PamSlater4Supervisor.com; email: pslater@utm.net
Vote for Education
Among the clutter of a long ballot, don't forget to vote for education! LCVSD has endorsed:
- Jeff Mangum, County Board of Education, District 4, (North and East County Inland)
- Committee to Elect Jeff Mangum
- PO Box 270725/San Diego, CA 92198
- (858) 673-9668
- email: jmangum@mangum-assoc.com
Vote by mail
If you can't make it to the polls, request an absentee ballot. For an absentee ballot to be mailed to your home, a fax or letter requesting one must reach the Registrar of Voters Office by Feb. 29. The fax number is: (858) 694-2955. The address is: 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite I, San Diego, 92123. Absentee ballots cannot be requested by telephone. After Feb. 29, voters can obtain and cast an absentee ballot at the Registrar of Voters Office.
For online state initiative endorsements and political news, visit the CLCV website at: www.ecovote.org. You may contact LCVSD at: PO Box 82851/San Diego, CA 92138; (619) 687-1897.
League of Conservation Voters San Diego Candidate Questionnaire
1. What do you consider the most important issues facing the region and/or city?
2. What is your position on the proposal to create a Regional Infrastructure Transportation Agency (RITA)?
3. What is your opinion of the multiple habitat plans such as the MSCP?
4. Would you support a 1/4 cent sales tax to find the local portion of the MSCP?
5. Would you support enforceable pollution prevention measures to improve water quality and if so, how would you accomplish this? If not, why not?
6. Do you support or oppose regional impact development fees?
7. Should infrastructure facilities be paid for (estimated at $1.3 billion for the City of San Diego) before increasing densities in existing communities to accommodate projected growth increases?
8. Do you support the concept of zero population growth? Why or why not?
9. Given the regional housing crisis (jobs being created at a faster rate than housing), would you support a linkage fee on commercial (non-residential) development?
10. Are you in favor of reinstating the Housing Trust Fund to its original level?
11. Would you support regulatory changes, including increased regulation, to protect inner-city and poor communities from environmental pollution?
12. Do you have a viable campaign? Explain.