Julian Whitaker, M.D., President
and Founder, Whitaker Wellness Institute, Newport Beach, CA, "Why More
Doctors Should be Recommending Vitamin E":
"The jury has reached
a verdict and I urge my medical colleagues to listen carefully. It's no
longer a question of should our patients be taking antioxidant supplements,
but rather which ones and why. It's time that physicians recognize the
value of the growing body of research showing the many health benefits
of natural antioxidants. The paucity of physician recommendations for vitamin
E or any other commonly available nutritional supplement is indicative
of the nonscientific nature of medicine. Millions of men and women are
taking vitamin E without waiting for their doctors to recommend it. A majority
of physicians themselves take vitamin E, yet fail to recommend it to their
patients, indicating that forces other than patient benefit govern physician
"The medical industry,
including its educational outreach, is virtually owned by the pharmaceutical
industry. Since nutritional supplements can't be patented by the pharmaceutical
companies, they are never included in the physician education. Supplemental
natural vitamin E is safe, inexpensive, corrects nutritional deficiencies
and reduces disease risk factors. It can and should be recommended by physicians
to their patients."
Lester Packer, Ph.D., Professor,
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley,
CA; OCC President, "Cold and Flu Sufferers Take Note: Pycnogenol May
Help Immune System":
"Pycnogenol French maritime
pine bark extract may be a difficult word to say but its benefits are clear-cut
and powerful. Pycnogenol (pronounced "pik-nah-je-nal") can help
the immune system fight off infection, including colds and flu. It affects
cellular production of nitric oxide. The maintenance of tight regulation
of nitric oxide production is fundamental to health, including immune defenses
against viruses, bacteria and other parasites. Pycnogenol is the most potent
antioxidant compared with other natural plant extracts because it contains
a naturally occurring complex of more than 40 bioflavonoids and organic
"Overall, studies have
shown that Pycnogenol serves two important functions as both an antioxidant
and as a circulation enhancer. As an antioxidant, it protects against free
radicals, boosts defenses against disease, and safeguards from environmental
stress. As a circulation enhancer, it helps improve circulation, strengthens
blood vessels and delivers oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Pycnogenol
appears to act in the redox antioxidant network at the interface between
vitamin C and vitamin E. In fact, Pycnogenol was found to be remarkably
effective in extending the effectiveness of vitamin C and to regenerate
vitamin E. This indicates that Pycnogenol can play an important role in
the antioxidant network."
Soram Singh Khalsa, M.D., Private
Practice, Internal Medicine and Functional Medicine, Beverly Hills, CA,
"Practical Uses for Antioxidants in the Treatment and Prevention of
Chronic Disease":
"When Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center in Los Angeles asked me to be the Chairman of the Executive Steering
Committee for their Complementary Medicine Program, I knew we had turned
a corner. But, we still have a long way to go in bringing awareness of
the benefits of Complementary Medicine and especially antioxidants to the
American public at large.
"A recently published
study shows that our country could save nearly $20 billion in U.S. annual
hospital charges through regular use of specific vitamin supplements to
prevent premature births, birth defects, and coronary artery disease. Almost
$5 billion a year could be saved alone with daily vitamin E supplements
to prevent coronary artery disease, according to the study authors.
"In my practice I have
seen dramatic results with health regimens that include a combination of
antioxidants because I believe that they work best as an integrated network.
I give almost all of my patients a simple blood test to measure the degree
of oxidative stress as indicated by certain markers. This gives me a framework
from which to work and, most importantly, to document improvement.
"Conditions from chronic
fatigue syndrome to autoimmune diseases and malignancies can be benefited
through these measures. I see people from all walks of life, including
high-profile executives and influential members of the Hollywood community,
who come to my practice for the benefit that this approach can provide
Tori Hudson, ND, A Woman's Time Clinic,
Portland, OR; Professor of Gynecology, National College of Naturopathic
Medicine, "Soy and Antioxidants for Women":
"Soybeans and phytoestrogens
are the ideal protein for women. The science has overwhelmingly shown that
they can help baby-boomer women deal with their two greatest concerns menopause
and breast cancer. I prescribe exercise, supplements, phytoestrogens, and
natural hormones. I see women shying away from estrogens for several reasons.
Women mistrust conventional medicine. They are afraid of the effects of
taking estrogen. And, although heart disease is the number one killer,
breast cancer is the number one threat that freaks us all out.
"Women have choices.
Antioxidants and soy provide powerful protection from degenerative diseases,
breast cancer and other cancers. They also provide relief from many problems,
such as heavy menses or menopause. As one of the first naturopathic physicians
to conduct independent research, I have studied the effects of alternative
treatments with antioxidants, botanicals and soy in cancer treatments and
menopause. When you consider that over 1.6 million women have breast cancer,
that 185,000 more will be diagnosed with it this year and that 45,000 will
die from this dreaded disease in the coming year, we desperately need better
health care for women in this country and around the world. Not only for
breast cancer, but also our number one risk, heart disease, and others.
"My interest in improving
the status of women's health and my professional experience allowed me
to play a key role in the establishment of the Office for the Study of
Alternative Medicine within the National Institutes of Health. Women are
slowly beginning to realize that they have health care options and we must
work hard to build awareness and educate them about these choices."
Burton Berkson, M.D., Ph.D., President,
Integrative Medical Center, Las Cruces, NM, "The Remarkable Benefits
of Alpha-Lipoic Acid" :
"As the Principal FDA
Investigator for intravenous alpha-lipoic acid treatments in acute liver
diseases, and a consultant to the National Centers for Disease Control,
I have seen firsthand how alpha-lipoic acid can save lives. Recently, there's
been an explosion in alpha-lipoic acid research and the medical community
is beginning to see its significance. Let me share a couple of case studies
from my own practice: A 35-year-old woman with severe hepatitis C was advised
by other physicians that she would probably die without a liver transplant.
After successfully treating her with alpha-lipoic acid, she was able to
avoid the transplant.
"A number of recent
studies have also shown alpha-lipoic acid to be effective in treating diabetic
neuropathy. A 55-year-old man with adult onset diabetes was informed by
his doctors that there was practically nothing they could do about his
incapacitating burning feet and pins and needles in his hands. After months
of treatment including alpha-lipoic acid, this man no longer suffers from
these symptoms. Alpha-lipoic acid should be considered in the same class
as vitamin E based on its remarkable benefits and impressive research."
Members of the Oxygen Club of California
World Congress include leading scientists in the field of reactive oxygen
species. The OCC meets annually to report on the latest findings from antioxidant
intervention trials and epidemiologic studies and to discuss the health
effects of antioxidant nutrients. 