n Thursday, April 27, San Diego EarthWorks will host
the 10th annual VIP (Very Important Planet) Reception and EARTH
Awards. This occasion provides an opportunity for business, community,
and government leaders to make the connections between our actions
now and a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future.
The City
of San Diego Environmental Services Department will present their
Recycling and Waste Reduction Awards and San Diego EarthWorks
will present their EARTH Awards (Environmental Action and Restoration
That Helps). The San Diego Regional Energy Office will present
a special energy award.
The evening
will begin with a buffet, provided by local San Diego restaurants,
and a silent auction to benefit San Diego EarthWorks. Following
the informal part of the evening will be the Awards Ceremony.
Local businesses, organizations and individuals will be honored
for their practical accomplishments toward a healthy, prosperous
and sustainable San Diego.
The reception
will be held at the City of San Diego Environmental Services
Building, located at 6901 Ridge-haven Court in Kearny Mesa. This
award winning "green" building is one of the top ten
most energy efficient and environmentally friendly buildings
in the country. Featuring recycled (and recyclable) squares of
carpet, motion and temperature sensitive lighting, motion sensitive
heating and air conditioning, this building has saved over 52
percent in utility costs compared to the nonrefurbished twin
building next door.
San Diego
EarthWorks, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, is a network of
volunteers in service to a healthy, prosperous and sustainable
future for all living things. Volunteer produce the annual EarthFair
in Balboa Park, organize habitat restoration projects and host
events that inform and educate people about environmental issues.
For more
information, to make a donation to the silent auction, to volunteer
or to reserve a $30 pre-sale ticket, call (858) 496-6666, extension
**91, or visit our website at www.earthdayweb.org.