Note from the Publisher For the San Diego Earth Times, the Bush Administration's unrelenting attack on decades of hard-won environmental protections is THE story of the year. Never before has a federal administration shown such reckless disregard for the preservation of America's natural heritage and the health of its citizens. Please read this article and see if you don't agree.This is a long article, with extensive citations. We've moved the citations to a separate web page; click the "citations" tag at the end of each section to bring up a separate window containing the citations. The Bush Administration's record on the environment
provided by The Sierra Club
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We all need clean, healthy air to breathe | |
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The Bush Administration is weakening clean air standards, crippling the Clean Air Act and undermining its enforcement. The Bush Administration dramatically weakened a key clean air protection that required aging coal-fired power plants, oil refineries and other industrial facilities to install modern pollution controls when they upgraded or expanded. This means there will be more soot and smog that triggers asthma attacks and other respiratory problems pumped into our air. | |
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Enforce the law, hold polluters accountable and require them to use today's technology to modernize and cut pollution to protect our health and safety. | |
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Although much remains to be done, the quality of our rivers, lakes and coastal areas has improved greatly since the Clean Water Act was passed in 1972. Continuing to protect small streams and wetlands is essential to filter pollution from our drinking water sources, maintain water quality in our lakes and rivers, and provide habitat to fish, waterfowl and other wildlife. If the Bush administration removes protection from small streams and wetlands, it will reverse thirty years of progress in cleaning up our lakes, rivers and coastal waters. Protecting lakes and rivers, keeping our drinking water safe and healthy, and preventing disease requires treating and disinfecting sewage. We have known for more than one hundred years how to treat sewage safely. So why is raw sewage still allowed to overflow into our basements and foul our beaches? | |
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The Bush administration is weakening critical Clean Water Act rules. It blocked a proposed Clinton administration rule that would have reduced overflows of raw sewage into waterways and basements and would have required health warnings when overflows occur. Sewage overflows are a major cause of beach closures and fish kills because of bacteria and viruses contained in raw sewage. The Bush administration issued guidance in January 2003 that excludes isolated wetlands from Clean Water Act protection. In addition, the administration began a rule-making process that suggests eliminating protection for streams and wetlands that are nonnavigable, isolated and intrastate. EPA estimated that its new rules could eliminate protection for up to 20 million acres of wetlands, about one-fifth of the wetlands in the United States, excluding Alaska. The Clean Water Act has protected these headwater streams and wetlands from pollution and filling since the mid-1970s. The Administration has issued a new rule legalizing the mining practice of dumping the tops of mountains into nearby valleys and streams. Mining companies, developers and oil companies are seeking this change in clean water rules because it will be easier for them to dispose of their waste and fill in wetlands if there is no government oversight. But polluting these small streams and wetlands will inevitably mean dirtier water downstream, more flooding, and fewer recreational opportunities for hunters, anglers and others who depend upon clean water. Once again the Bush administration is allowing polluters allowed to benefit at our expense. | |
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Strengthen, not weaken, our clean waters laws and enforce those laws. Demand polluters be held accountable for the damage they do, and warn us when our water is unhealthy and unsafe. Protect our health and safety by continuing to protect the wetlands and small streams that filter pollution out of our water. Require sewage treatment plant operators to control and adequately treat sewage flows, and warn us and public health authorities when an overflow occurs. | |
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Congress established the Superfund toxic waste cleanup program almost a quarter of a century ago, after the massive contamination of Love Canal in New York focused national attention on the problem of abandoned toxic waste dumps. The law requires that companies responsible for creating the waste site pay to clean it up. In the case of abandoned sites, where the companies responsible cannot be found or are bankrupt, the government will clean it up. The cleanup of abandoned sites was largely funded by a tax on oil, chemicals and a general corporate excise tax. The tax expired in 1995. The Clinton administration urged Congress to restore the tax, but Congress did not do so. The cleanup trust fund ran out of polluter money in 2003, so now taxpayers are bearing the cost of cleaning up these waste sites. One in four Americans lives within a short bicycle ride of a Superfund site. These sites contain highly toxic chemicals (e.g., arsenic, lead, chromium, benzene) that can cause cancer, birth defects and other serious health problems. | |
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The Bush administration is the first administration since the Superfund law was passed in 1980 to oppose the principle that polluters should be taxed to pay for cleaning up toxic waste sites. This means that the administration has not included the polluter pays tax in its budgets to Congress or supported legislation to restore the tax. Where companies responsible for creating a waste site can be identified, they are still responsible for cleaning it up. Instead, the Bush administration has shifted the cleanup costs to taxpayers. Meanwhile, the rate of Superfund toxic waste cleanups completed under the Bush administration has fallen by almost half. In 1980, Congress decided to protect the health and safety of Americans by forcing polluters to pay to cleanup toxic dump sites. But the Bush administration is now forcing taxpayers, not corporate polluters to pay to clean up the contamination that has left our communities at risk. | |
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Restore the polluter pays principle to ensure that remaining toxic sites are cleaned up and to protect the health and safety of our families and communities. | |
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Government, business and individuals all have a role to play in keeping our environment clean and healthy, and the government's job is to enforce the laws that protect us. | |
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Enforcement of environmental laws has fallen dramatically under the Bush administration. The administration has repeatedly attempted to cut funding for inspectors and enforcement, despite the fact that environmental laws have proven to be successful in cleaning up our air and water and that the benefits of these protections far outweigh their costs. Criminal pollution cases referred by the EPA for federal prosecution have dropped 40%; referrals for civil prosecution are down 25%. And every year since taking office, the Bush administration has requested that the budget for enforcement be slashed. Not enforcing clean air, clean water and other environmental laws lets polluters off the hook, exposes Americans to more pollution and keeps our families and communities at risk. | |
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Enforce the laws that protect our health and safety and hold polluters responsible for the damage they cause. | |
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Americans love the outdoors and want their National Parks, Forests, Monuments, coasts and other wild places protected. | |
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The Bush Administration has opened up millions of acres of America's public lands - including some of the nation's most environmentally sensitive lands - to logging, mining and oil and gas drilling. Administration proposals - whether to ramp-up oil and gas exploration on public lands in the Rocky Mountain region, open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to full scale oil development, allow development in the last wild areas of our National Forests or leave endangered species habitat unprotected - are allowing industry dramatically increased access to public lands for corporate profit. For example, the Bush administration has:
Rather than protect our special places, the Bush Administration is handing over America's public lands to corporate polluters, wasting taxpayer dollars, and sacrificing our children's legacy. | |
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We can preserve America's wild heritage for present and future generations to explore and enjoy by protecting the last pockets of wild forests, making community protection the top priority of any forest fire policy, and promoting cleaner, cheaper and safer energy solutions like wind and solar power that protect America's spectacular wild places. | |
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Americans cherish the last pockets of wild in our National Forests as places to hike, hunt and fish and as sources of clean water. | |
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The Bush Administration is opening up millions of acres of wild, roadless forests to damaging logging, road building, and other development. They have hollowed-out the landmark Roadless Area Conservation Rule, riddling it with loopholes that threaten the places Americans need and treasure for recreation, clean water and fish and wildlife habitat. They are allowing irresponsible corporations to benefit at our expense. Close to two-thirds of our National Forest land has already been hammered by development that destroys the forests, pollutes the water, devastates wildlife habitat and is subsidized by American taxpayers. We need to protect that last third as wild lands. | |
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These wild forests are areas of national significance, and they deserve a national policy to protect them for future generations. | |
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The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a national treasure - home to polar bears, wolves, countless migratory birds, and the birthing grounds for the 129,000-member Porcupine River caribou herd. | |
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The Bush Administration is targeting the environmentally sensitive coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, one of America's greatest natural treasures, for oil and gas development. Despite indisputable proof that oil drilling irreparably damages the Refuge's fragile tundra and wildlife, drilling there has been a centerpiece of the Bush Administration's shortsighted energy policy. Drilling for oil in the Arctic would not put a dent in our dependence on foreign oil, would do nothing to strengthen our national security, would not save consumers a dime or solve problems like the Northeast blackout. | |
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We need to invest now in energy-efficient technology and develop renewable power sources like wind and solar power. We need an honest, balanced energy plan that gives us cleaner, cheaper and safer energy solutions and protects spectacular wild places like the Arctic. | |
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For more than half a century, Congress has worked to ensure that America's public lands are used for the benefit of all Americans and that activities like energy production and development are balanced with recreation and conservation. | |
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The Bush Administration's quest to open up millions of acres of America's public lands - including some of the nation's most environmentally sensitive lands - for the sole purpose of energy development stands in sharp contrast to our multiple use tradition and puts America's wild places at risk. Coastal Alaska, the Powder River Basin and the Rocky Mountain Front are among the special places targeted by the Bush Administration for energy development that will cause irreparable damage to the lands that belong to all Americans. Already, 63 percent of public lands in the West are available for leasing with no restrictions on development. Yet, in the past 3 years alone, the Bush Administration has approved more than 11,000 oil and gas permits and turned over control of more than five million acres of public lands to oil and gas companies. The Bush administration has plans to offer an estimated five million acres more for oil and gas leasing. Whether it is dismantling important environmental protections or pursuing development in previously unspoiled areas, the Bush Administration is bent on exploiting the public's land for private gain. Rather than protect these special places, the Bush Administration is handing over control of America's public lands to oil and gas companies at an alarming rate - even though we can never, with only 3% of the world's petroleum reserves, meet domestic demand or drill our way to energy independence. These corporate polluters with tax breaks totaling $20 billion are wasting taxpayer dollars and sacrificing our natural heritage. | |
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By making sensible choices now to invest in energy efficient technology and renewable power we can decrease our dependence on oil and gas. We need an honest, balanced energy plan that gives us cleaner, cheaper and safer energy solutions and preserves America's wild heritage. | |
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provided by The Sierra Club A combination of common sense, commitment, and American ingenuity will enable the country to solve its environmental dilemmas and a combination of technology, enforcement and forward-looking political leadership will protect our childrens natural inheritance. Here are ten common sense solutions we can begin to put in place now:
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