Business and community members will gather at the 17th annual V.I.P. (Very Important Planet) Reception to celebrate Earth Day, acknowledge individuals and organizations who have taken extraordinary action on behalf of our environment, and support San Diego EarthWorks programs. The evenings activities will include
- A “World Buffet” provided by some of San Diego’s finest restaurants.
- A Silent Auction featuring eco-friendly goods and services and many special entertainment packages.
- San Diego EarthWorks’ E.A.R.T.H. (Environmental And Restoration That Helps) Awards and City of San Diego Waste Reduction and Diversion Awards, presented by Councilmember Donna Frye.
- City of San Diego Waste Reduction & Diversion Awards, presented by Mayor Jerry Sanders.
- Clean Air Awards from the Air Pollution Control District presented by County Board of Supervisor’s Chair Pam Slater-Price.
For more information, to make a donation to the silent auction, to volunteer, or to reserve pre-event tickets, call (858) 272-7370, visit www.earthdayweb.org, or email vip07@earthdayweb.org.
The VIP Reception benefits San Diego EarthWorks, a year-round, volunteer-run nonprofit organization dedicated to a clean, healthy and prosperous future. Volunteer online at www.earthdayweb.org. 