A Sample
of Findings from the 1998 NEETF/Roper Report Card:Environmental
Myths in America: An Average American View
Knowledge Questions and the Percentage of Individuals Answering
Each Question Correctly
support for environmental protection continues to grow, but a
new national survey shows that, despite overwhelming public support
and technological and regulatory progress, most Americans' environmental
knowledge has failed to keep pace with the realities of today's
most pressing environmental concerns. According to the seventh
annual National Environmental Education & Training Foundation
(NEETF) National Report Card on Environmental Attitudes, Knowledge
and Behaviors, most Americans rely on outdated or incorrect information
when making decisions about the environment and use common myths
to guide their behavior on environmental issues.
fiercely supportive of efforts to preserve and protect the environment,
most Americans are using yesterday's news when making critical
decisions about behavior and policy on key environmental issues,"
said Kevin J. Coyle, President of NEETF. "This dependence
on mythology threatens to block progress on important environmental
initiatives and renders ineffective many individual actions on
behalf of the environment. In an era where most Americans routinely
and eagerly engage in behavior intended to protect the environment,
it is vital that we debunk these myths so that the public can
most effectively address the environmental needs of today."
the sixth straight year the NEETF/Roper survey shows that the
public supports environmental protection on a two to one basis
and at much higher rates for water and air quality protection.
It also shows with undaunted consistency that Americans believe
we can find a balance between our need to protect the environment
and to have a healthy economy. In fact, if forced to choose between
the two, 69% of the public would choose the environment. In addition,
90% of people engage in at least six of ten individual environmental
activities, such as saving electricity, buying "green"
products, conserving water, and recycling trash.
data also show that environmental knowledge contributes to actions
to protect the environment. For example, people who know that
vehicles are major contributors to carbon monoxide pollution
of the atmosphere are 10% more likely to use public transportation
when it is available. For people to participate actively in solutions
to protect the environment, the gap must be closed between what
they believe and what they know.
environmental threats are more complex and subtle than when rivers
were catching on fire in the 1960's from industrial pollution,"
Coyle added. "Solutions to these new problems must start
with a more sophisticated understanding of the issues. Lawmakers,
businesses, environmental causes and most of all the public suffer
when people don't understand what needs fixing." Coyle noted
that 72% of Americans, for example, say that water quality regulation
has not gone far enough. Yet just about the same number three
out of four people do not know that the leading cause of water
pollution is water running off from farm land, parking lots,
city streets and lawns.
1998 NEETF/Roper national survey data reveals there are many
persistent bits of misinformation concerning environmental issues
in America. Coyle said, "these myths can stand in the way
of addressing some of our most immediate and wide-ranging environmental
this reliance on outdated information, Coyle says other survey
results are encouraging. 71% of Americans consider environmental
protection vastly more important than economic development (17%),
an increase of 8% since 1995. And, fully 85% frequently engage
in certain behaviors aimed at preserving the environment.
good news is that an educated public will take action,"
Coyle said. "Continued education on environmental issues
will result in more effective efforts to protect the environment."
noted that, "many of the environmental myths revealed by
the Roper Survey were once true, but conditions have changed."
For example, industrial waste dumping was once the leading cause
of water pollution, but today run-off pollution, a direct result
of actions by individuals and small businesses, is the major
source of polluted streams, rivers and lakes. Influenced by powerful
images of birds and other animals entangled in beverage six-pack
rings, 56% of Americans identify these plastic rings as the number
one cause of wild animal entanglement. Just 10% of Americans
know that fishing lines left by anglers are by far the major
source of wildlife entanglement.
to Coyle, the NEETF/Roper survey shows that the majority of Americans
57% think the leading cause of oil pollution in our rivers and
streams is spills from tankers and offshore drilling. The reality
is that individuals are responsible for more oil dumping than
industry. "Given their widespread support for environmental
preservation," said Coyle, "most Americans would take
action if they knew that changing their car oil and dumping it
on the ground or in storm drains is the major cause of oil pollution
survey, commissioned by NEETF and conducted by Roper Starch Worldwide,
is based on interviews with a representative sample of 2,000
American adults, ages 18 and older. The survey found that when
presented with 11 questions that each contained a "myth"
answer, two plausible but incorrect answers, and a correct answer,
the myth response received a plurality in six cases. For five
of the eleven questions, a majority of Americans gave the incorrect
myth answer.