report by Californians for Alternatives to Toxics (CATs) reveals
that California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in conjunction
with county road agencies, douses California roadsides with more
than 132,000 gallons of liquid and 93,000 lbs. of solid herbicides
each year. Caltrans applies approximately five gallons and two
pounds of chemical weed killers per mile on the state's 15,000
miles of highways. In addition, CATs found that 51 of California's
58 counties rely on herbicides to kill weeds, and use on average,
more than one pound and one gallon of chemicals per mile along
the 64,000 miles of road under county management. In 1992 Caltrans
pledged to reduce roadside spraying by 50% by the year 2000,
however, no clear measures towards this goal have been taken.
Of the
eight herbicides most commonly used, the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency has identified six as possible human carcinogens, while
four are linked to birth defects. Seven of the eight chemicals
are toxic to fish while four are harmful to birds. Four of the
herbicides have been found in groundwater by California's Department
of Pesticide Regulation, and three quarters may be air pollutants.
this report shows is that Caltrans and the majority of county
road agencies are putting appearance first before the health
and safety of Californians. Moreover, herbicide spraying occurs
often without the knowledge of neighboring communities and people
who regularly work and travel on those thoroughfares," said
Patty Clary, Executive Director of CATs, an Arcata-based nonprofit
research organization committed to reducing pesticide use in
study by CATs is the first of its kind to survey herbicide use
on the freeways under Caltrans' jurisdiction and roads under
county ownership. CATs spent two years gathering data from Caltrans
and road agencies in all 58 counties. Caltrans, the single largest
user of herbicides in the state, spends an estimated $6 million
a year on herbicides more than a quarter of its annual budget
earmarked for "vegetation control."
agency reluctance to reduce the use of herbicides, several affordable
nontoxic alternatives exist. Among them is an Integrated Vegetation
Management Plan (IVM) which includes several treatment methods.
Past studies have found the use of steam spraying machines highly
effective in killing weeds, and that corn gluten inhibits weeds
from sprouting.
alternatives are currently being explored in isolated, underfunded
studies by Caltrans and the University of California, as is the
use of fire-resistant native plants to choke out unwanted weeds.
on their investigations, CATs strongly urges Caltrans and county
road agencies to change their roadside management plans to ensure
the health and safety of California residents and wildlife. Specific
recommendations for state and local agencies include:
- Invest as much money in alternative weed
management plans as is currently spent.
- Advanced on-site warnings of herbicide use
should be posted during the transition from chemical to non-chemical
roadside treatment.
- Audit existing records of herbicide use to
assess actual annual cost of herbicide spending in order to provide
an economic comparison for alternatives.