ice President Gore announced last month that the Clinton
administration will use $5 million in Federal funds and $15 million
in funds from the Wildlands Conservancy, the National Park Service
and the Bureau of Land Management to purchase 180,605 acres of
former railroad lands in the California desert. The Vice President
also announced that $15 million requested for the 2001 budget
will be used for purchases from willing sellers of small inholdings
in the desert's parks and wilderness areas.
is a giant step forward in protecting the California desert,"
said Elden Hughes, chair of the Sierra Club's California Desert
Committee. "The checkerboard railroad lands have posed a
constant threat of inappropriate development and these purchases
will provide a proper balance between public access, wildlife
protection and wilderness."
The former
railroad lands stretch from Needles to Barstow in a 50-mile-wide
swathe. The California Desert Protection Act of 1994 raised the
protection levels on 9 million acres of the California Desert
and directed the consolidation of the Parks and Wilderness Lands.
These purchases are carrying out that mandate. Total inholdings
purchased earlier this year, the current purchases and purchases
to be funded for next year together total 532,000 acres.
Desert Tortoise is on the edge of extinction and this purchase
will provide needed habitat," said Joan Taylor, Vice Chair
of the Sierra Club's Desert Committee. "California desert
lands also protect travel routes for bighorn sheep that are known
to migrate more than 50 miles between mountain ranges."
Sierra Club applauds these actions which will protect a 400-mile-long
wildlife corridor between Joshua Tree National Park and Death
Valley National Park. A decades long dream is becoming a reality,"
added Hughes.