Service sector: Major impact on environment
As the nation continues to evolve into a post-industrial
economy, businesses and regulators should explore ways to improve
the environmental practices of firms in the service sector.
provided by Resources for the
he service sector, which now accounts for three-quarters
of the nation's employment and Gross Domestic Product, has a
major influence on environmental quality in the United States,
according to a new study conducted by the independent research
organization Resources for the Future (RFF). As the nation continues
to evolve into a post-industrial economy, businesses and regulators
should explore ways to improve the environmental practices of
firms in the service sector, which can influence the behavior
of their suppliers "upstream" and consumers "downstream."
The RFF study which includes reports on the environmental impact
of the health care, food service, and tourism industries provides
the most comprehensive picture yet of how the growing service
sector affects the environment.
many of the environmental impacts of the service sector will
require a different regulatory approach than that applied to
manufacturing, mining, or agriculture, the study shows. Rather
than seek new regulations, federal and local officials should
instead focus on devising incentives for service businesses to
adopt environment-friendly behaviors, ranging from reducing energy
use in fast-food chains to educating tourists about protecting
sensitive habitats.
Reducing mercury in health care
Of the
three industries studied, health care has the greatest direct
impact on the environment. Unique environmental challenges facing
health care facilities stem from their use of mercury, nuclear
products, and other materials, the exposure to which can put
workers and others at risk. For example, 10 percent of all mercury
used in the United States is used in dental applications. Environmental
and health concerns have prompted the use of alternatives to
mercury in non-health care settings, but health officials have
been slow to respond.
Industry leaders
and government regulators should continue to encourage the use
of substitute materials for mercury. At the same time, they should
accelerate the transition away from on-site assembly of all medical
products using mercury and radioactive materials in favor of
central, off-site locations, where the waste that is generated
can be better handled.
In recent
years, the health care industry has responded to concerns about
infectious diseases such as HIV by adopting new procedures which
have resulted in an increased stream of medical waste. As these
environmentally-damaging practices have proliferated, however,
the rate of hospital-acquired infections has remained stable.
Health care leaders should seek new ways to reduce infections
that do not exact so large an environmental cost, the study says.
Reduced waste would also help cut the demand for on-site incinerators,
which now are the third largest emitters of dioxin-like compounds,
according to the EPA.
Opportunities for the food industry upstream
prime environmental challenges facing the food service and food
retail industries involve the generation of significant amounts
of solid waste, assurance of food safety, high energy-intensity
levels, and use of chlorofluorocarbons in refrigeration. Generally,
however, these impacts are not particularly significant in magnitude,
nor are they unique to the food service and food retail industries,
the RFF study says.
These industries
are in a position to leverage the behavior of suppliers and consumers.
They can encourage producers, wholesalers and distributors to
reduce packaging, use recycled materials, or reduce pesticide
use, for example. And firms can offer more environment-friendly
choices to consumers, thus helping raise consumer awareness.
Already, collaborations between industry and environmental organizations
- such as the ten-year alliance between McDonalds and Environmental
Defense (formerly EDF) have resulted in reduced packaging and
greater use of recycled materials. The food industries also should
work with government agencies and food marketing companies to
improve food handling and bolster food safety systems.
Balancing effects of tourism
tourism was once thought of as a "smokeless" industry,
there has been an increasing recognition of its potential for
adverse environmental impacts. It has been blamed for damaging
sensitive habitats and ecosystems, increasing traffic near tourist
destinations, generating air and visual pollution in host communities,
and spurring changes in land use that have changed the local
character of an area. At the same time, tourism has brought environmental
benefits to some communities by providing an impetus for protecting
sensitive ecosystems or historically significant structures.
As with most
of the service sector, the scattered nature of the tourism industry
makes it resistant to integrated, holistic regulatory approaches.
Currently, environmental regulation of tourism cuts across a
wide swath of federal, state, and local authorities.
and regulators are most likely to reduce the harmful environmental
effects of tourism by launching educational efforts that are
tailored for specific audiences and designed to compliment existing
regulations, the study says. For example, officials could combine
a prohibition against anchoring a boat in a sensitive marine
ecosystem with an explanation of the potential damage a boat
can do to that ecosystem. Hotels can offer guests the choice
of having their linens cleaned less frequently, and use this
as an opportunity to explain the environmental benefits of such
a program. Educational approaches also could be targeted at the
industry by emphasizing the cost savings and marketing benefits
of "green" tourism, the report says.
All three
reports - Environmental Implications of the Tourism Industry,
Environmental Implications of the Health Care Service Sector,
and Environmental Implications of the Foodservice and Food
Retail Industries can be downloaded at
The study was funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
for the Future is a nonprofit and nonpartisan think tank located
in Washington, DC, that conducts independent research - rooted
primarily in economics and other social sciences on environmental
and natural resource issues. Contacts: Dan Quinn, (202) 328-5019;
Terry Davies (202) 328-5080 |