t the 2000 Recycling Symposium in early March, the
US Postal Service announced the development of a revolutionary
environmentally benign pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) that
marks the beginning of a new era in recycling. This world-class
technology will help make recycling more economical, help decrease
costs for recycling and repulping operations, and help divert
tons of valuable waste paper from our nation's landfills.
years it has been known as the "sticky" problem: what
do you do with adhesives when recycling paper? These adhesives
"gum" up the works, and recycling mills have difficulty
recycling paper with a high adhesive content. But through the
leadership of the Postal Service and cooperation between the
public and private sector, the "sticky" problem may
soon be a thing of the past.
breakthrough in the development of environmentally safe adhesives
will change the face of recycling around the world," said
opening session speaker Deborah Willhite, Postal Service Senior
Vice President, Government Relations and Public Policy. "Not
only will it improve the environmental performance of postage
stamps," she said, "it will also reach a much larger
audience of adhesive users. This new technology will have a tremendous
financial and environmental benefit for the Postal Service and
for the American people."
Also at the
symposium, Federal Environment Executive Fran McPoland announced
a proposed executive order recommending that all federal agencies
seek to employ the new PSA technology.
"In the
near future, President Clinton is expected to sign 'Greening
the Government Through Leadership in Environmental Management,'
to address the economic impact of this issue," said McPoland.
The Postal
Service has a long history of leadership in recycling efforts
and protection of the environment, and although stamps were a
very small part of the "sticky" problem, the Postal
Service saw an opportunity for public policy leadership and took
on the task of developing an environmentally friendly adhesive.
In 1994, the Environmentally Benign Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Program was initiated as part of the Postal Service's commitment
to develop stamps and stamp products that do not adversely affect
the environment.
In 1995, the
Postal Service hosted a conference of interested parties. In
an outstanding example of cooperation between the public sector
and private industry, the Postal Service formed a team of researchers
from government and industry, including members of the Forest
Products Laboratory (US Department of Agriculture), the adhesive
industry, paper manufacturers, recyclers, printers, and testing
This research
partnership, sponsored and funded by the Postal Service, has
been a tremendous success, creating an environmentally friendly
adhesive that has passed a comprehensive series of tests, meeting
all Postal Service stamp performance and recycling requirements.
Other notable
Postal Service environmental initiatives: