"Pathogens know no national
boundaries," Camire emphasized. "A problem in one country will
soon be a problem elsewhere. We must take care to insure a rational, scientific
approach to screening imported foods rather than reacting to xenophobia."
Chemical contaminants such as pesticides
and veterinary drug residues also pose potential risks, she added. "Preventive
measures at the farm level are the best protection for U.S. consumers. U.S
and international codes are probably sufficient, but action is needed to
enforce such codes. Other governments should be held responsible for the
actions of farmers and food processors within their jurisdictions. Non-compliant
organizations should be penalized," she said.
Camire said that U.S. participation
in international food safety agreements helps protect U.S. consumers, but
she noted that countries with a good record in one food industry may do
poorly in others. "Flexibility will be critical for success,"
she added.
While extensive testing of all imported
foods for microbial and chemical contamination is unnecessary and too expensive,
Camire noted that some types of food deserve greater surveillance. These
include hand-picked produce, peeled or cut produce, sprouts, filter feeding
shellfish and low acid canned foods.
More rapid testing methods also need
to be developed, she added. A rapid, accurate test for salmonella has been
developed by IDEXX Laboratories of Westbrook, Maine, reducing testing time
from several days to 22 hours. Such tests are critical for foods with a
short shelf life, such as some fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood.
Camire stated that there is no safety
related need for food labels to list the country of origin. Nevertheless,
agreements between the United States and other countries could require that
all exporters demonstrate the safety of their products, and in such cases,
country of origin labels could imply the relative safety of those products.
Camire noted that more consumer education
would be helpful. Since they add nutrients and variety, imported foods are
an important part of the winter diet for Americans, and many countries are
improving their safety procedures through a U.S. program known as HACCP,
or Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points. The program originated in
the 1960s as a way to assure the safety of food for astronauts.
HACCP programs now exist for a variety
of food processing industries in the United States, and other countries
are adopting similar programs with U.S. help. "Our leadership in developing
and implementing HACCP has improved food safety internationally," she
Camire cited the example of an employee
of Indonesia's Directorate of Fisheries who came to the University of Maine
to learn more about food safety. He tracked New England seafood as it was
transported around the United States and implemented a similar program in
Indonesia. He has since returned to Maine for advanced training in seafood
inspection and HACCP.