Day marks the onset of summer activities including outdoor grilling
of meat, poultry and fish. According to the American Institute
for Cancer Research (AICR), grilling possibly raises the risk
of cancer, but that risk can be reduced by following a few guidelines
for safe grilling.
cooking methods such as grilling and broiling of meat, poultry
and fish produce compounds that some studies suggest may cause
cancer. One of AICR's recommendations for cancer prevention is
to avoid eating charred food and to consume grilled and broiled
meat, poultry and fish only occasionally.
When fat from
meat drips onto hot coals or stones, carcinogens called polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons are formed and deposited onto food by smoke
or flame-ups that char or blacken it. Furthermore, high-protein
foods cooked at high temperatures have been found to contain
another class of cancer-causing agents called heterocyclic aromatic
amines (HCAs).
is no need to eliminate grilled food from your diet totally,"
says AICR dietitian Melanie Polk, R.D. "But if you are serious
about reducing your cancer risk as much as possible, it makes
sense to take a few precautions."
Among these
precautions are: