is absolutely essential that we marshal all available resources
and apply research-based knowledge to solve this grand national
challenge," Hullar said. "This requires a new kind
of collaboration among universities, states and federal agencies."
Hullar and
other representatives of universities consider the Cooperative
Extension model an instructive one. What Cooperative Extension
did for American agriculture transferring university-generated
knowledge to food producers the National Water Initiative can
now do with new knowledge about the most fundamental resource
of all, he said.
Meeting this
national challenge, he said, will require recognition of the
problems and full cooperation from national agencies, such as
the Department of Interior, Environmental Protection Agency,
Department of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation.
But the research work should be decentralized and distributed
to the state level, he believes, because that's where the water-related
problems are and where the university-based expertise can be
At least $250
million a year in new and reprogrammed funds should be committed
to results-oriented research, advocates of the National Water
Initiative agree. An extramural research grants program should
be established, they say, with grants awarded competitively after
peer- and merit-review and modeled after the highly successful
programs of the National Science Foundation and National Institutes
of Health. In addition, new systems for expediting the application
of research-based knowledge should be developed to resolve "grand
national challenges" for the nation's water resources.
on the part of many government officials about the urgency of
dealing with the nation's water problems also was noted by Hullar
and his colleagues. They worry more about members of the general
public who assume an endless supply of healthful water is coming
through the faucets and aqueducts forever.
While this
country's great dams took decades to build, solutions to the
coming water crisis can't wait that long, Hullar said. "These
are changes that need to be made in the next five to 15 years."
By then the
water problems the United States shares with the rest of the
world will be really urgent, the environmentalist said, "and
we should be ready to share our solutions, too."