ow do you get to work? Do you crawl along the I-15? Do you slowly squeeze through the 5/805 merge? Do you inch along the 8? Or, do you cruise on the Coaster? Hitch a ride on the express bus? Zip down the carpool lane?
If you are one of the latter, besides making yourself happier and healthier by ridesharing, you are also doing the environment and your health a big favor. People who use alternative modes of transportation are helping to reduce the number of cars on the road and the amount of smog in the air.
If you are one of those people who has committed to using an alternative mode of transportation on a regular basis, the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District would like to thank you. If you ride the bus, the Trolley, the train (Amtrak or Coaster), carpool, vanpool, telecommute, bike to work, walk to work, or drive an alternative fuel vehicle, the San Diego Commuters Club is for you.
The San Diego Commuters Club was created by the Air Pollution Control District to reward people whose transportation choices have a positive impact on our environment. Membership in the Commuters Club if free entitles you to a host of special discounts from participating businesses including restaurants, movie theaters, newspapers, the San Diego Padres, and more.
Club members in some areas will also receive the "guaranteed emergency ride home" which ensures that transit users, Coaster riders and carpoolers will never get stranded at work in an emergency. All members will receive a "welcome kit" with a club membership card, valuable coupons and vouchers. Members will also receive seasonal newsletters containing transportation related information, contests and prizes from club sponsors.
The Commuters Club is for employers, too. Companies can offer incentive discounts to club members or offer memberships to workers as an employment benefit.
To join or for employer information, call the Commuters Club hotline at 619-595-3922.