Coalition of groups call for the F.A.C.T.s: Fair Agricultural
Chemical Taxes
Tax Reform is needed: states lose $674 million a year to
sales tax exemptions for pesticides, fertilizers
by Valerie Frances |
of the Earth and nine other consumer, farm and environmental
groups have called upon officials in 29 states to eliminate exemptions
from their state sales taxes for agricultural chemicals such
as pesticides and fertilizers. The groups said the $674 million
in lost revenue should be used to support family farms, sustainable
agriculture, and conservation education.
As economists
have long known, we use less of what is taxed and more of what
is not. Currently, twenty-nine states exempt agricultural chemicals
from sales taxes, amounting to nearly $700 million in uncollected
revenue. These tax exemptions implicitly encourage chemically-intensive
agriculture and discourage the use of non-chemical alternatives.
The exemptions are unfair to people and wildlife experiencing
the health consequences of agri-chemical exposure, to other industries
that are paying for the costs associated with their environmental
and health impacts, and to the taxpayer ultimately footing the
bill for environmental cleanup.
The Fair Agri-Chemical
Tax (FACT) Campaign - a nationwide alliance of state farm, consumer,
and environmental groups - advocates for the repeal of state
sales tax exemptions for agricultural chemicals. At the same
time, the FACT Campaign supports the return of the sales tax
revenue to the farmer through other tax relief, farmland preservation
measures, or programs supporting more environmentally friendly
farming. In this way, farmers who use chemicals would pay more
of their fair share to address the environmental and health impacts
associated with use of agri-chemicals but they would receive
support for transitioning to more sustainable farming practices.
State sales tax revenue loss
report shows that 29 of 50 states exempt agricultural chemicals
from state sales taxes, resulting in an annual loss of $674 million
in revenue. The ten states losing the most revenue are Minnesota
($65 million); Texas ($62 million); Illinois ($59 million); California
($54 million); Florida ($50 million); Indiana ($45 million);
Washington ($36 million); Kansas ($36 million); Ohio ($35 million);
and Missouri ($27 million). California, Wyoming, and Nevada exempt
only fertilizers from sales tax while Nebraska exempts only pesticides.
A complete table of sales tax revenue losses in the twenty-nine
states, including a breakdown by pesticide and fertilizer sales,
is part of the complete report.
governments should not be subsidizing the use of poisons and
pollution in agriculture," said Larry Bohlen, Director of
Health and Environment Programs at Friends of the Earth. "If
state officials want tax breaks for farmers, there are better
ways than subsidizing pollution."
Incentives for sustainable agriculture
objective of this report's recommendations is not to penalize
farmers, but to shift funds to encourage more sustainable agriculture.
The tax revenue collected should be directly applied to benefit
farmers whose practices protect the environment. Our aim is to
encourage and support the trend towards environmentally friendly
farming practices - practices that in numerous studies are proving
to be more economically beneficial than agri-chemical dependence.
Eliminating sales tax exemptions does not threaten the farmer
using agri-chemicals. Farmers can successfully reduce their chemical
use to offset the costs of the sales tax as shown by nearly twenty
years of literature comparing conventional and alternative farming
systems. |
Current unsustainable practices
report highlights health and environmental problems caused by
overreliance on pesticides and fertilizers in agriculture. For
instance, in Dane County, Wisconsin, over 1/3 of rural well water
is contaminated with nitrates, making it unsafe for infants to
drink. Nationwide, health and environmental costs as a consequence
of pesticide use alone are estimated to be about $8 billion per
and more Americans are asking for food free from chemicals and
genetic manipulation. Government should change with the times,
not stand in the way of a healthier food supply," said Larry
The report
suggests a wide range of options for state officials to tailor
sales tax revenue to their state's needs. Funding could be used,
for instance, to help farmers make the transition away from chemically-intensive
practices, to clean up contaminated sites, or for tax relief
promoting farming but not heavy use of chemicals.
The "Fair
Agricultural Chemical Taxes" (FACT) report is available
on the web at
Profiles of
agriculture and its impacts on health and the environment in
each of the twenty-nine states that exempt agri-chemicals from
sales tax are available from Friends of the Earth upon request.
They are also posted on the Friends of the Earth website at
Copies of the report are available to the public for $10 each
to cover postage and printing. Please call Friends of the Earth
at (202) 783-7400 and ask for the Publications Office.
Frances, Fair Agri-Chemical Tax Campaign, Friends of the Earth,
1025 Vermont Ave., NW Third Floor, Washington, DC 20005; (202)
783-7400 ext 258; Fax: (202) 783-0444 |