Community forum: Protect the special nature of San Diego

he San Diego Chapter of the Si- erra Club is pleased to present the first in a series of free community forum events:

Wednesday, August 20, 7 p.m.
Carmel Valley Library
3919 Townsgate Dr.
Focus: Conserving Our Remaining Coastal Natural Resources

The recent signing of the Multiple Species Conservation Plan by the City of San Diego establishes a new era for conservation and growth. What developments are planned? What open spaces will be protected? What is in the balance? How can residents be proactive and heard?

Join us for a lively, interesting, and stimulating evening. Participants will have ample opportunity for questions and discussion with several involved panelists. Topics will include: Del Mar Mesa (Hwy 56 Routing); Carmel Mountain and Mesa conservation (Neighborhood 8A), and the status of future area urbanization. There will be opportunities to voice your concerns, to ask questions, and to learn of specific actions you can take to influence decision-makers.

Directions to the Carmel Valley Library: Exit Highway 5 at Del Mar Heights Rd., go east to El Camino Real, turn right (south). Proceed to third signal Townsgate and turn left. The library is on the right.