new technique developed at the Department
of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory may be able to remove
deadly contaminants from groundwater more easily and less expensively.
Pacific Northwest researchers have
created In-Situ Redox Manipulation, or ISRM, to remediate contaminated groundwater
at up to 60 percent savings over 10 years when compared to current remediation
methods. Potential application sites include military bases, petroleum and
chemical plants and weapon production facilities.
ISRM could address the growing concern
surrounding chromate a contaminant found near metal-plating production sites,
automobile production plants and military bases. Chromate can be toxic to
fish and humans above certain levels.
In one example, chromate has leaked
into the groundwater and aquifer at the Hanford Site in Washington state,
where plutonium was produced from 1943 to 1989 for use in building America's
nuclear weapons. DOE and its predecessor agencies used chromate to inhibit
corrosion of aluminum fuel elements in nuclear reactors. It has been detected
at Hanford along the riverside and in groundwater headed toward the Columbia
Field tests conducted at Hanford
indicate ISRM can remove chromate from the groundwater to levels below drinking
water standards and water quality standards for aquatic life.
"After testing, chromate levels
dropped below detection near the testing wells and we expect to see the
same results in the river," said John Fruchter, Pacific Northwest's
principal investigator. Researchers also expect ISRM to be effective in
removing technetium and chlorinated solvents, such as trichloroethylene
and uranium.
R&D Magazine recently honored
the ISRM technology as one of the 100 most significant innovations of 1997.
DOE has supported the project with about $4 million since its initial development
in 1993. The project could receive an additional $100,000 in 1999 to continue
monitoring results at Hanford.