he Rural Heritage & Watershed Initiative
has been designated as Proposition B for the November election. The RHWI
campaign committee is gearing up for an intense campaign. To ensure victory
at the polls, the campaign is seeking volunteers who will donate time and
energy, and contributors who will donate the needed funding for voter education.
We need to make sure that San Diego voters understand how and why Prop B
will enhance their quality of life.
It is expected that development interests
in the county will be waging a bitter war against our effort to stop the
destruction caused by urban sprawl in San Diego's back country. The opposition,
consisting of property-rights advocates, speculators and developers, has
already organized. They have hired a political management company and claim
to have mailed over 75,000 letters and received over 400 contributions.
Our task ahead is to broadcast the
truth about Prop B. The Rural Heritage & Watershed Initiative will solve
the problem of urban sprawl by effectively creating an urban/rural boundary,
something our County General Plan has failed to do. On one side of the boundary,
misplaced urban zoning in the back country is replaced with proper rural
zoning that prevents costly, inappropriate development.
We believe we can educate the voters
without spending millions on glossy campaign mailers. But, we still need
a substantial amount of volunteer help for voter outreach and money for
effective media coverage. We must make sure the public hears the truth about
Prop B.
What you can do: Call the RHWI Office
at 462-7032 to volunteer. Mail your contribution to the RHWI Committee,
P.O. Box 1298, La Mesa, CA 91944.