ello fellow Earthlings, and welcome to the garden
where poor soils are only a memory. This time we will be discussing
the best way to grow a great garden. Grow a great soil first!
We will look at some of the problems associated with soils at
new home sites. So let's take a look at that dirt.
is the crucible of all life in your garden. It should be treated
with at least the same amount care that we give to the plants
that grow in the garden. It is the soil that makes a garden or
breaks it. This is true of any size garden or of a potted plant
collection. Unless you are gardening hydroponically, you are
subject to soil quality to determine garden quality.
The soil is
something that we seem to forget about in these days of instant
fertilizers that melt in water and work before you finish paying
for them. Soil conditions are actually worsened by these instant
plant foods in many ways. The beneficial microorganisms that
break down organic matter and crowd out disease, earthworms,
and essential mineral availability are actually antagonized or
reduced by using these materials.
These products
may seem inexpensive at the garden center and their advertising
is very persuasive. But these materials have to be reapplied
often and plants react to them like you would react to a triple
espresso with double sugar. It gives them a good buzz, they grow
real fast, and then they hit a wall. This instant gratification
comes at a price. The plants that you feed with these wonder
products are more susceptible to insect pests, stress, and damage
from disease. The moral of this story is that chemicals will
initiate the use of more chemicals. It is a kind of not so merry-go-round
of toxic substances. Now back to talkin' dirt.
New homeowners
are often subjected to soil conditions that are less than ideal
due to the fact that the soils are mechanically compacted and
haven't seen the light of day since dinosaurs walked the earth.
When housing tracts are developed, soil quality for plant growth
is always sacrificed for stability. This is done for very good
reasons, like making sure that your new house doesn't slide into
the neighbor's pool.
But once the
house is bought and you are ready to install your new yard, there
are some serious challenges ahead. New gardens are subject to
a number of "expert opinions." The most logical place
to start is the soil. In a well conditioned soil, you can plant
smaller plants that will grow at an even pace with fewer diseases
and reduced stress, and that will pass up those gardens where
lots of money was spent on plants and the soil was minimally
improved in short order. Digging out large quantities of native
soil in favor of one or two feet of topsoil is also not the answer.
Making a bathtub out of permeable soils over a compacted soil
can cause more damage than it is worth, and this type of technique
will be expensive.
The "expert"
advice that I suggest to those of you preparing new gardens is
lots of fully composted organic matter incorporated into the
top six to eight inches of soil, along with a natural nitrogen
source and minerals. This should be followed with a three to
four inch layer of organic mulch. This mulch layer should be
maintained as it decomposes.
By using this
easy practice, you will soon find that your soil drains better,
holds moisture better, and you have fewer problems associated
with runoff. This method of continuous soil improvement will
prove out to be the most effective and economically sound way
to feed your soil so your soil can feed your plants. Your soil
will literally come to life before your eyes. Earthworms and
billions of beneficial microbes will begin to work non-stop to
speed up this process as long as chemical fertilizers and pesticides
are avoided. You will find that your plants have fewer problems
associated with mineral and nutrient deficiencies and that you
use less water to adequately irrigate the garden. In time, the
economic gain will show in reduced water bills and fewer cash
expenditures on pest and disease control.
Compost and
mulch are very easy to find at municipal waste facilities, dairy
farms, or your favorite garden center. Mineral soil conditioners
are always available at most nurseries and garden centers and
natural sources of nitrogen and other essential nutrients are
also available at most garden centers and home centers. For a
detailed description of how to treat your new garden soil, email
me your soil conditions, soil color and a brief description of
your general location and I will be happy to provide you with
some suggestions and places where reliable materials may be obtained
for the lowest cost I have encountered.