ederal policies regarding residential
lead poisoning favor the lead industry or economic concerns at the expense
of children's health, according to an article by a physician from Children's
Hospital Medical Center of Cincinnati in the September 11 edition of the
journal Science.
These federal standards regarding
prevention of lead in the home ignore existing scientific evidence and are
unlikely to protect inner-city children from lead poisoning, according to
Bruce P. Lanphear, M.D., M.P.H., division of general and community pediatrics,
Cincinnati Children's, and associate professor of pediatrics.
"The results of numerous studies
argue that efforts to prevent lead poisoning should emphasize primary prevention
the elimination of residential lead hazards before children are unduly exposed,"
says Dr. Lanphear. "Yet, our efforts continue to focus on secondary
prevention screening children for elevated blood lead levels and controlling
lead hazards after a child has been unduly exposed. It's time to establish
a scientifically based strategy to eliminate lead toxicity by controlling
residential lead hazards."
In an article titled "The Paradox
of Lead Poisoning Prevention," Dr. Lanphear argues that there are three
paradoxes in proposed EPA standards. The first is that the effects of lead
exposure are largely irreversible, "yet we wait until children are
exposed before taking action," says Dr. Lanphear. Second, proposed
EPA standards set floor dust at too high a level, thereby not protecting
children, according to Lanphear. Third, even though we rely on secondary
prevention, there is limited data showing it to be either safe or beneficial
for the vast majority of children with elevated blood lead levels, he says.
Lanphear says it is critical to expand
efforts to identify and eliminate residential lead hazards before children
are exposed to them. Prevention strategies should contain several components.
First, blood lead levels and floor dust lead levels must be set appropriately.
The standards proposed by the EPA are inconsistent with the EPA's own definition
of levels that pose a threat, according to Dr. Lanphear. Second, Dr. Lanphear
says it is critical to target housing containing lead hazards, particularly
those causing lead poisoning.
"National, state and community
surveys of housing need to be conducted to identify and prioritize the elimination
of lead hazards prior to occupancy by children," says Dr. Lanphear.
"Residential screening could be done on a routine basis, depending
on the age and condition of the house, or terminated if the housing is certified
to be free of lead hazards."
Third, once residential hazards are
identified, it is critical that safe and effective methods to eliminate
lead hazards exist. Similarly, it is necessary to develop a plan for the
gradual elimination of lead hazards during renovation or demolition of older
Lead toxicity, defined as a blood
lead level of 10 micrograms per deciliter or higher, is estimated to affect
one of every 20 children in the United States. Studies have demonstrated
serious harmful and irreversible effects of low-level lead exposure on brain
function, such as lowered intelligence and diminished school performance,
especially from exposures that occur early in life.
During the past two decades, average
blood lead levels in children in the United States have fallen more than
90 percent, due largely to the elimination of lead from gasoline and dietary
sources. It's estimated that nearly 900,000 preschool children in the United
States have a blood lead of 10 micrograms per deciliter or higher. In some
cities, especially in the northeastern United States, more than one-third
of preschool children have blood lead levels exceeding this benchmark.
Dr. Lanphear is a leading authority
and researcher on lead, particularly in the area of preventing childhood
lead exposure and poisoning. Among other activities on a state and national
level, he chaired a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Committee
focusing on the contribution of lead-contaminated house dust and soil to
blood lead levels in children. 