"I am excited about the opportunity to work with an
organization committed to informing and educating people about what they
can do to insure a clean, healthy and prosperous future. I think we are
at a point where the solutions to the environmental problems we face can
give us a very prosperous future. I also think the window of opportunity
won't remain open for very long. If we don't act now we may not be able
to reverse the effects of the damage that has been done.
"I am looking forward to producing
an EarthFair that is fun, educational and results in people making the connection
between their actions now and a sustainable 21st century. Let's have a world
that works for everyone, with no-one and nothing left out!"
After working with her only a few weeks, I have only the highest expectations for the organization under Claudia's leadership. You can reach her by calling the office at (858) 272-7370, or by sending email to earthworks@earthdayweb.org.
got mac?
that you've got a new, powerful G3 Macintosh, wouldn't you like to do something
useful with that old unit taking up closet space?
The truth is, EarthWorks' workroom
computer finally went to Apple heaven after 9 years of hard service, leaving
us with only one functioning machine. As we head toward out "busy"
season, a second machine is a must.
Not to be too picky, but we're looking
for a PowerPC model, 6100-vintage or later. A unit with no monitor, disk
or peripherals would not be a problem the main thing is the CPU and memory.
If you can help us out, please call Claudia at (858) 272-7370 or Chris at (858) 272-7423. Of course, your donation is completely tax-deductible. 
Chris Klein is a founder, CFO and board member of San Diego EarthWorks, formerly known as San Diego Earth Day, and the publisher of the San Diego Earth Times.