Oil: to the ends of the earth
Our addiction to oil is ruining developing economies, not just the
provided by Project Underground
"This is an industry that knows how to react
when the going gets rough.
- Sir David Simon, Chairman, British Petroleum
"You don't need a weatherman to know which
way the wind blows."
- Bob Dylan
he quest for oil has defined the twentieth
century. Many still view oil as black gold, a resource to be exploited as
economically and expediently as possible. But those who seek to emulate
the reserves of Rockefeller or the size of Shell with the power of petroleum
are running out of time. Oil's day is over.
Over 800 billion barrels of oil
have been burned since the search for oil began in 1859. What has happened
to those 800 billion barrels, what it has cost to get those 800 billion
barrels, and why we cannot afford to burn 800 billion more, is the subject
of this report.
It's not that we're running out of
oil - it's that we cannot afford to burn what we already have. This business
cannot continue as usual. The oil industry currently spends $156 billion
annually seeking new reserves of oil and gas. Meanwhile, the world's top
climate scientists agree burning this new petroleum would ensure devastating
climate change. If we burn more than approximately a quarter of existing
reserves, we risk suffering the worst impacts of climate change. Why then,
is the industry still looking for more?
Climate change is the ecological
limit to the oil industry. Although improvements in drilling technology
promise at least an additional 100 years of conventional oil and gas, the
Earth simply cannot afford to burn all those fossil fuels.
A global problem
As reserves begin to dwindle, Big
Oil casts its net wide across the planet. Both the number of countries and
companies involved in new exploration activities have tripled in recent
years. This global expansion of petroleum exploration not only threatens
to irrevocably commit us all to the worst impacts of climate change, it
is endangering fragile ecosystems and threatened indigenous peoples worldwide.
Since 1988, the petroleum industry
- Drilled 113,466 new exploration wells, out of a total
of more than half a million.
- Been awarded 4,040 contracts for new exploration. These
awards have covered an area equaling the United States and Europe together.
- Cut 15 million kilometers of new seismic lines: more
than twice the length of the entire U.S. road network.
These activities threaten frontier
forests in 22 countries, coral reefs in 38 countries, mangroves in 46 countries,
indigenous peoples on 6 continents, and global climatic stability worldwide.
The U'wa of Colombia, the Karen of
Burma, the Nahua of Peru all of these indigenous peoples and dozens more
are threatened by the global expansion of the oil industry. Are a few months
of oil worth the irrevocable destruction of a traditional people's ways
of life or dwindling intact ecosystems? These choices between short-term
profits and the rights of peoples and survival of ecosystems are being made
daily by the oil industry.
The price of our global addiction
to oil has simply become too high. Once gone indigenous peoples, pristine
ecosystems, our climate that makes life possible they're gone forever. Hundreds
of billions of dollars each year are being spent on an energy policy that
is based on profits and pollution, rather than people and preservation.
This report documents the extent
of new exploration activities by the oil and gas industry, and the places
and peoples that are threatened by those activities. It is, however, only
a first attempt to quantify both the scale of the threat and the people
and places that are threatened.
We focus on the activity of the industry
in the last ten years, because it was ten years ago that nations of the
world first undertook a commitment to combat climate change which must include
restrictions on the primary cause of climate change, the petroleum industry.
Frighteningly, in the ten years that the world has been committed to global
action to combat climate change, the petroleum industry continues to make
it worse.
Stopping the train
The only way to stop climate change,
preserve critical ecosystems, and defend the rights of the world's indigenous
peoples, is to phase out the global use of fossil fuels. The first step
towards phase out is to stop looking for more. New exploration for petroleum,
a global industry that involves more than 6,000 companies, must end.
While this may seem like a daunting
goal, it is achievable. The good news is that current reserves of oil and
gas can sustain us through the inevitable transition to renewable energy
sources. The global economy will not come to a grinding halt. If we stop
new exploration for oil and gas today, we protect indigenous peoples and
ecosystems, we minimize the impact on our climate, and we will have at least
47 years to complete the transition to clean energy that all acknowledge
must soon take place. Freeing up several hundred billion annually in investment
capital could also do wonders for the renewable energy industry.
An immediate ban on new exploration
in pristine, frontier ecosystems was called for by over 200 organizations
from 52 countries at the Kyoto meeting of the Climate Convention last year.
This is a reasonable demand. Currently, the petroleum industry is mostly
looking for oil in all its old places, using new technology to get more
out of old reserves. Closing off the last threatened places, and respecting
the rights of indigenous groups to say no if they so choose, are reasonable
first steps to take in halting new exploration.
"To prevent dangerous human
interference with the climate system" is the goal of the Climate Convention.
While diplomats debate lobbyists over calculations of carbon emissions,
the petroleum industry is spending billions circumventing the spirit and
intent, if not the letter, of that gathering. Success for that Convention,
and for all of us, will ultimately be measured not in calculations of gigatons
of carbon, but in wells not drilled, and acres and peoples saved.
Black gold, bleak future
The quest for oil is advancing into
more places on the planet than ever before. According to industry observers,
the number of countries with active exploration programs has tripled over
the last decade. What is driving this trend? In short, the global economic
system offers incentives and short-term rewards to those nations that emphasize
resource extraction for economic development. While oil development is an
excellent method to ensure continuing debt payments and profits for multinational
corporations, it is a very poor strategy for local or national development.
The myth of oil prosperity runs
wide and deep. Oil - black gold - offers the promise of riches to nations
seemingly blessed by geology. However, a quick look at the World Bank's
list of debtor nations or a rapid perusal of the United Nation's listings
on poverty and inequality hints that this blessing may actually be a curse.
Petroleum-led development strategies have delivered nation after nation
into a spiral of debt and dependency. And yet, governments, corporations,
and international financial institutions continue to reinvest in the growing,
global oil economy.
A clear trend
There is little recognition among
petroleum development advocates that "not only may resource-rich countries
fail to benefit from a favorable endowment, they may actually perform worse
than less well-endowed countries."[1] In truth, a clear negative correlation
exists between a country's reliance on natural resource extraction for development
and its economic growth.
A recent Harvard University study
assessed 97 developing countries for their possession of natural resources
and their economic growth from 1971 to 1989. Their results clearly show
a negative relationship between a country's reliance on natural resource
extraction and overall growth.[2] Indeed, countries like Mexico, Nigeria,
and the Congo (Zaire) - all rich in natural resources have floundered from
crisis to crisis, while their people remain poverty stricken. Even when
controlling for variables such as corruption and bureaucratization, the
pattern is undeniable.
A couple of forces are to blame for
this. One is that natural resources do not come free. Exploiting them requires
considerable investment, which diverts capital away from productive investments
in traded goods, including manufacturing. This is especially important if,
as some economists believe, manufacturing plays a crucial role in generating
economic growth.
States wedded to digging or drilling
their way to wealth fail to develop their non-resource sectors, such as
manufacturing and services. Spectacular profits may be made by companies
involved, but only a small percentage of the population of any country is
ever engaged in resource extraction. For example, in Nigeria the oil sector
employs less than 2 percent of Nigeria's population, although oil provides
80 percent of the gross domestic product and 90 percent of government revenues
Debt trap
Reliance on the oil industry for
development creates a cycle of debt and dependency as the capital needed
for the industry requires an increase in loans. Country after country has
become enslaved to foreign bank payments, forcing them to cut back domestic
and social development programs while running on the oil development treadmill.
Ecuador provides an illuminating
case study. The country covers about 80 percent of its debt payments with
oil revenues, and justifies its increasing incursions into new frontiers
and indigenous lands based on the need to keep international creditors happy.
Fiscal crises follow close on the
tail of the oil industry because governments take loans, increasingly from
private sources, to support the capital needed for oil development. This
leads to a new debt trap that ensures, through a variety of conditions,
that more oil will be produced, enforcing the spiral of negative focus on
other sectors.
Examples of this debt-increasing
resource extraction exist around the globe. For instance, in 1994, the Papua
New Guinea government was unable to pay its bills until it borrowed from
the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and Asian Development Bank.
Amongst the stipulations of the loans were conditions to allow further access
to the country's natural resources, and recommendations to sell the government-owned
Mineral Resources Development Corporation. Similar loan conditions have
been attached, implicitly or explicitly, in places as diverse as the former
Soviet Union and Mexico.
In Mexico, this process was accompanied
by "petrolization," the condition that occurs when an economy
becomes overly dependent on the oil sector to the neglect and detriment
of others. It defeats itself as the government starts to import more staples
such as agricultural products which it could have produced at home. The
result, as documented by Global Exchange's International Delegation in 1996,
was that: "Twenty years of petroleum extraction that has lacked planning,
environmental codes, and attention to social well-being have caused abnormal
population growth, badly-skewed income distribution, tremendous escalation
of the cost of living, forced relocations and most alarming of all environmental
destruction and extremely hazardous living conditions for people living
in petroleum-producing areas."[3]
Global profit, local impact
Another myth promoted by the oil
industry is that oil and gas positively contribute towards capitalization
and development on a local level. The truth lies far from this corporate
spin. Ecological economists point to the de-capitalizing nature of extractive
industries for local peoples and the environment, particularly when the
commodity is sold at an undervalued price. Oil and gas operations are an
excellent example of this debilitating phenomenon. The full social and environmental
costs of oil and gas operations are not passed on to the consumer, but rather
displaced to the local communities and ecosystems in the form of polluted
waters, deforestation, and increased social conflicts.[4]
In addition, oil and gas projects
come with a high economic opportunity costs. Prospects for other current
or future economic opportunities for local communities are undermined with
the advent of a new petroleum project. Fishing waters are polluted and pipelines
and production stations. Scattered wells imperil the viability of emerging
economic alternatives for communities, such as sustainable forest management,
ecotourism, and diversified agricultural production.
Further, petroleum operations are
based on a disempowering development strategy. Oil and gas project are controlled
by outsiders. As such, industry operations consistently work against the
local populations' control over their own development. The most basic of
project decisions including the project approval which affect the indigenous
peoples and other communities are made within company and government offices
and not by local peoples. The industry structure fails to build on traditional
knowledge and cultural norms which most indigenous groups identify as key
components of any worthy development strategy.
Southern countries have a very real
need and right to develop their economies. As long as resource extraction
is the major path to this development, these societies will find themselves
increasingly trapped in a downward economic cycle. The only way to break
this cycle is for Northern governments to recognize what many have recognized
for years: that the environmental and social externalities of oil development
that have been placed on the South have a value too, and that this value
should be weighed against the foreign debts of developing countries. The
South has already paid its debt in the form of polluted waters, deforestation,
and rights violations, all to keep oil cheap for consumption in the industrial
world. This concept of the ecological debt that is owed by the North to
the South is critical if we are ever to find our way out of this current
dilemma. We have every incentive to do so. 
1. Auty, R., Sustaining Development in Mineral Economies:
The Resource Curse Thesis, London, Routledge, 1993.
2. Sachs, Jeffrey D, and Warner, Andrew M., Natural Resource
Abundance and Economic Growth, Harvard Institute for International Development,
October 1995.
3. "Human Rights and the Environment in Tabasco,"
Global Exchange, 1996, p.3.
4. Joan Martinez Alier, Ecological Debt External Debt,
Briefing Paper, July 1997. |
Project Underground is
an environmental and human rights organization that supports communities
facing mining, oil and gas activities. They may be reached at 1847 Berkeley
Way, Berkeley CA 94703; www.ran
.org/ran/oilreport/intro.html |