Problems with nitrogen pollution
by David Bainbridge and Mark
George |
of the central challenges in environmental economics has been
the valuation of environmental resources and services. This valuation
usually takes place within a framework of a benefit and cost
analysis of projects affecting environmental resources, nature's
services, or natural resource damages. These assets include air,
surface and groundwater, woodlands, unique natural landscapes,
and much more.
environmental assets provide several essential functions: ecological
system support, waste removal (sometimes referred to as waste
"sinks"), and amenities which are consumed directly
by individuals (clean air, water for household use and recreational
services in natural areas). Along with other economic goods and
services, all of these functions contribute, directly or indirectly,
positively or negatively, to our well being. The environmental
functions, and therefore the assets which provide them, are also
economic goods or services because in modern society they are
not free. Their provision, maintenance or conservation entails
giving up the production of some alternative goods or services
even though their use does not always involve market transactions
and explicit prices may not exist.
Nitrogen pollution
is a good example of the challenge of costing these non-market
transactions. Nitrogen gas (N2) makes
up more than 70 percent of the innermost layer of the atmosphere.
But this large reservoir of the earth's nitrogen cannot be used
directly as a nutrient by plants because they cannot absorb nitrogen
gas. As a result, nitrogen is often the limiting factor for the
growth of plants and animals in ecosystems. This is one reason
farmers use nitrogen fertilizer to support crop growth.
A little science: the nitrogen cycle
conversion of atmospheric nitrogen gas into chemical forms that
are useful to plants, nitrogen ions (N03-)
and ammonium ions (NH4+), is called nitrogen
fixation, and is done primarily by cyanobacteria in soil and
water and by rhizobium bacteria living in small nodules on roots
of a wide variety of plants. These plants convert organic nitrate
ions and ammonium ions in soil into DNA, proteins and other nitrogen
containing nutrients. Animals, in turn, get their nitrogen from
eating plants or other animals. After nitrogen has served its
purpose in living organisms, bacteria and other organisms convert
the nitrogen-rich organic compounds, wastes, castoff particles
and dead organisms into simpler inorganic compounds such as water-soluble
salts containing ammonium ions (NH4+).
Other specialized bacteria, primarily anaerobic (without oxygen)
bacteria in the soil or in sediments at the bottom or of lakes,
oceans, swamps, and bogs, then convert these inorganic forms
of nitrogen back into nitrite (N02-) and
nitrate (N03-) ions, and then into nitrogen
gas, which is released into the atmosphere to begin the cycle
again. |
Nitrogen and humans
nitrogen cycling is assumed to have been roughly in balance,
and atmospheric levels of nitrous oxide (N20)
measured in bubbles in glacier ice hovered around 285 ppm for
many thousands of years. But human activity in the last 200 years
has thrown the system severely out of balance. The nitrous oxide
level in the atmosphere has risen rapidly and is close to 310
ppm. More than 3.2 million tons of nitrogen are deposited in
the United States each year from the atmosphere. Atmospheric
deposition of nitrogen compounds may occur through wet deposition
in fog, freezing rain, hail, rain and snow, or in dry deposition
as droplets, gases, and particulates.
the largest sources of this nitrogen are point sources. Coal-
and oil-burning electric utilities and large industries account
for more than 50 percent of national nitrogen emissions. These
atmospheric inputs have been largely ignored because they do
not fit the traditional definition of a nonpoint source. For
example, releases of nitrogen into the air from point sources,
such as the combustion process of power plants and industries,
are called nonpoint sources of water pollution when that nitrogen
reaches water bodies through precipitation.
What goes up
than half of the nitrogen emitted from fossil fuel-burning plants,
vehicles, and other sources in the United States is deposited
on US watersheds. Areas of the country with the greatest rainfall
and worst atmospheric pollution tend to have the highest loads
of nitrogen deposition from the atmosphere. In the Northeastern
United States, atmospheric deposition of nitrogen in rain, snow,
and other forms accounts for about one third of the total nitrogen
inputs to watersheds. The amount of nitrogen carried by streams
also is generally highest where runoff is greatest.
Because nitrogen
is a natural component of ecosystems, it was not recognized as
a threat for a long time; many people actually thought increased
nitrogen levels would be beneficial. But, more and more studies
are showing that it is likely to cause severe declines in native
plant communities by favoring weedy, high-nitrogen-response plants.
In Southern
California, the major problem is the particulate dryfall from
nitrogen added by combustion of fossil fuels for transportation
and equipment. Autos, trucks, buses, planes, leaf blowers, lawn
mowers and jet skis all add their nitrous oxides to the atmosphere.
The nitrous oxide combines with other compounds to become the
black dust that quickly covers a car or awning in urban areas.
Old cars without
pollution controls may produce more than 3.3 grams per mile,
while new cars can be as low as 0.2 grams per mile driven. If
you drive 9,600 miles a year, you could be adding as much as
70 pounds of nitrogen to your local environment. Southern California
atmospheric levels can approach 25 mg/cubic meter of air and
these little dust particles add up, reaching annual deposition
of levels up to more than 80 pounds per acre. This is almost
double the world average application of nitrogen fertilizer used
on cropland.
Too much of a good thing
are just beginning in California, but where these nitrogen additions
have been studied for a longer time, the results have been catastrophic.
While many environmentalists have gotten caught up in the struggle
to reduce exotic weed dispersion, off-highway vehicle activities
and development, it is becoming increasing clear that it may
be disruptions in more basic ecosystem processes can cause long
term damage to native plant communities and may be the more serious
problem. Nitrogen pollution is a good example.
A twelve year
study of Minnesota grasslands showed that added nitrogen decreased
species diversity and dramatically changed community composition.
Species richness declined by 50 percent and bunch grasses were
replaced by weedy European grasses. In England, diversity in
meadow plots dropped from 30 species to 3 at higher nitrogen
levels over 90 years.
Recent reports
from Sweden, where deposition can exceed 100 pounds per acre,
are equally alarming. In some areas, the beneficial mycorrhizal
fungi have produced no fruiting bodies for six years. All of
the work to preserve local biodiversity in California, and especially
in San Diego, with an estimated cost approaching $1 billion for
the Multiple Species Conservation Plans, may be derailed unless
we can control nitrogen pollution.
What can be done about it?
is needed to determine the effects of nitrogen on San Diego's
ecosystems and waterways, and planning to reduce future impacts.
These can be funded by impact fees on gasoline sales, airport
operations and ship traffic. This money should come from existing
taxes (make the polluter pay), but new impact fees could be added.
San Diego
used an estimated 1.1 billion gallons of gas in 1997. A fuel
tax increase of five cents per gallon would provide $55 million
for environmental restoration and treatment to offset nitrogen
to San Diego International Airport's Operations Department, more
than 14.8 million passengers (a combination of incoming and outgoing)
utilized Lindburgh Field in 1998. More than 90,000 tons of freight
and 33,000 tons of mail were also shipped through the facility.
Had there been a $1 per passenger environmental maintenance fee,
$15 million could have been collected for environmental improvement.
Attaching similar fees to freight and mail could also generate
significant financial resources. Flight operations at Miramar
MCAS should also be assessed and a nitrogen pollution abatement
fee should be collected.
Ship traffic
is also a major source of pollutants as diesel engines are very
big emitters and the residual fuels they burn increase pollutants.
Worldwide ship operations produce enough nitrogen to equal almost
half the United States emissions. A port fee should be assessed
for pollution loading.
These funds
could be used to treat damaged ecosystems, perhaps through the
San Diego Environmental Restoration Department or through grants
and contracts. They could also support educational programs,
develop cleaner engine technologies and promote cleaner transportation
options such as bicycling and flywheel-powered busses.
we may have to spread amendments to absorb and mitigate against
nitrogen pollution, much as Sweden has added lime to 8,000 lakes
to offset acid rain from power plants in England and Europe.
This would be very expensive, but current generations have an
obligation to fulfill in providing future generations with their
fair share of healthy resources and adequate quality of life.
Improving the quality of the environment locally, nationally,
and internationally must be a top priority for policy makers.
Bainbridge is Coordinator of Environmental Studies at United
States International University, San Diego, CA. |