Of whales and humans
A well-credentialed radical environmental activist addresses
tough issues that will ultimately determine the balance of nature
on the planet.
provided by Californians for
Population Stabilization
The following is Capt. Paul Watson's luncheon address at CAPS2000 (Californians for Population Stabilization) this summer on population: "The Voice of Cassandra." He is the epitome of a radical environmentalist with a long and colorful history starting with his anti-whaling escapades under the auspices of the Greenpeace Foundation, which he helped establish.
Be forewarned:
many people will find this material extremely controversial,
outrageous and politically incorrect. This speech stood in sharp
contrast with the much more moderate tone and content of the
rest of the Conference. He certainly had the rapt attention of
the audience, since you could have heard a pin drop in that large
ballroom. There was at least one person in the audience who walked
out in disgust, even though Capt. Watson got a most enthusiastic
standing ovation at the end of this speech.
CAPS 2000
Luncheon Address
Sunday, August 13, 2000
Captain Paul Watson
The Voice of Cassandra
don't know why the Democrats are spending millions
this week to host their convention. All they need to do is to
buy the broadcast rights to the Republican Convention, run it
on the networks, and use a Hollywood special effects team to
insert an image of Al Gore superimposed over George Bush. It
could all be done on a blue screen, without interrupting traffic
in downtown Los Angeles.
It was
certainly symbolic that all the trees were ripped out of the
ground near the Staples Center. Under Clinton and Gore, the rate
of forest destruction in the Pacific Northwest actually increased
since the Reagan/Bush days.
or Demopublicans. It's all the same thing. Basically what we
have here is a race between two aristocratic sons of the South,
both born-again Christians, both supporters of the WTO, NAFTA,
Free Trade, and big business.
George Bush
- we know where he stands on environmental issues, so we get
what we see. With Al Gore, what he writes, and what he says,
is not what we have or what we will get. For this reason, I'm
99.9 percent opposed to George Bush and 100 percent opposed to
Al Gore.
I don't support
politicians who tell me they have personal conversations with
God. If I did, I would live in Iraq. Religion has absolutely
no place in American politics. I've read every book Thomas Jefferson
ever wrote and his and the other founding father's wisdom on
keeping the church separate from the state is one of the wisest
tenants of the Constitution of these United States.
Al Gore made the point that the Constitution guarantees us freedom
of religion. It does not, he added, guarantee us freedom from
This is a
dangerous man.
Picking Joseph
Lieberman may make Gore look like he is a visionary. My concern
is not that Lieberman is an Orthodox Jew. He could be a Muslim
or a Hindu, for all I care. What I am concern about is that,
in his Nashville coming out party, Lieberman invoked the name
of God 13 times in 90 seconds.
I heard Al
Gore speak at the U.N. Conference in Rio in 1992. I was in the
front row as he stood on the stage and addressed an international
crowd and told them that, "we will save this planet the
same way we defeated Communism, through Christianity and the
free market system."
He did not
provide details.
I was disappointed when Dan Quayle dropped out of the race. I
had written an election slogan for Dan entitled, "America
deserves Dan Quayle." I could have sold a million of them.
We do have
Ralph Nader, but the Green Party is politically correct on the
population and immigration issues and his running mate, Winona
LaDuke is pro-whaling.
So, come election
day, I'll be at sea.
A whale tale
At sea
was where I was a quarter of a century ago, in a tiny inflatable
boat, sixty miles off the coast of Northern California.
It was the
first Greenpeace campaign to protect whales and we were there
to try and stop the Soviet whaling fleet from slaughtering sperm
whales. I had come up with the tactic of placing human bodies
between the whales and the whalers, the idea being to place ourselves
in small boats between the defenseless whales and the harpoons.
I was reading a lot of Ghandi at the time, and thus I was idealistically
and naively armored in a cloak of pacifist passion. I actually
believed that the whalers would not risk killing a human being
in their pursuit of the whales.
In my youth,
I absolutely believed in the decency of man, and my faith in
the positive virtues of human nature was unassailable.
My humanistic
ideals were shattered forever on June 21, 1975 by the thunderous
scream of a harpoon cannon and the screams of dying whales.
Those Russians
wanted to kill whales and they were not about to let a few hippies
get in their way. Nonviolence does not work against an opponent
that does not respect life.
But there
we were, Bob Hunter and myself in that small boat in choppy seas,
well beyond the smell of land. Behind us was a one hundred and
fifty foot steel-hulled Soviet hunter killer boat with a bearded,
dirty-shirted, cigarette smoking gunner crouched behind a huge
harpoon cannon. The bow of the ship rose up on each swell and
was moving towards us like a meat cleaver in the hands of a maniac.
It was a mere twenty feet from running us down.
Twenty feet
before us, fleeing for their lives, were eight magnificent sperm
As we tried
to block the harpooner, I saw him smirk as his finger pulled
the trigger. A thunderous explosion followed as a 150 lb. grenade-tipped
projectile flew over our heads and slammed into the backside
of a whale, showering blood and gore into the air, as the whale
screamed in almost human-like pain.
the largest whale in the pod rose up and dove, his tail slapping
the water as he disappeared. And we knew what he was doing. We
had been warned by the experts that the whale would attack us,
and so we waited with great anxiety for fifty tons of angry animal
to come hurling up from the depths beneath us.
the ocean erupted as the whale rocketed from below and attacked
- the harpooner. But that bastard was waiting for him and he
very nonchalantly twitched his finger, and with a horrific explosion
drove the exploding harpoon into the whale's head at point blank
The whale
bellowed in pain and fell back into the sea, thrashing and convulsing,
blood spurting into the air as he rolled on the surface of the
sea in agony.
And, as he
rolled, I saw his eye. The whale saw us and suddenly he dove
and I saw a trail of bloody bubbles racing towards me from below
the surface.
As Bob and
I sat transfixed, the whale broke the surface at an angle and
I saw his huge body rising over us, blood and water pouring from
the gaping wound in his head, his lower jaw open, so close I
could have reached up and wrapped my hand around one of his six-inch
The whale
could have simply fallen forward and crushed us. Instead, I found
myself looking into an eye. An eye the size of my fist, and in
that eye - there was understanding. I felt it. That whale understood
why we were there. Instead of crushing us or seizing us in those
mighty jaws, the whale slowly and painfully slid back beneath
the surface of the sea eye to eye contact all the way. I saw
his eye, still looking at me, as it disappeared below the waves
and he died.
That whale
could have taken our lives. Instead, he let us live.
And something
inside myself was changed forever. That day, I knew that I would
spend the rest of my days defending whales and defending life
in the oceans. For I saw something else in that eye. I saw pity.
Not for himself, nor for his kind. Pity for us - that we could
extinguish life so thoughtlessly.
I saw the
enemy and it was us.
And what I
saw shattered any illusions that I had about humanity. The Russians
were killing these gentle giants for the oil. High speed lubricating
oil for ICBM missiles. They were killing the whales for the purpose
of building weapons meant to exterminate human beings. And that's
when it dawned upon me that the human race was - insane.
Since that
time, I have sunk nine whaling ships. In 1986, after sinking
half the Icelandic whaling fleet, I was approached by a former
colleague in Greenpeace who said that what we had done in Iceland
was criminal, despicable, and unforgivable.
I answered,
He said that
he needed to tell me that. I said, "John, do you really
think I care what you think? Do you think that I care what any
human being has to say about that action? We did not sink those
two killer boats for you, John, or for any other human being.
We sank them for the whales, John. Find me just one whale that
disagrees with that action and I'll reconsider. Until then, I
could not give a damn about your opinion on the matter."
That's why
I'm unpopular within the conservation movement. I do things that
disturb people. I say things people don't want to hear. I'm not
here to win any popularity contests. My job as a conservationist
is quite simple - to piss people off. Why? Because people are
the problem.
War of the world
A state
of war exists between this generation of the present and the
generations of the future, between ourselves and our grandchildren.
It is a war we can only win by losing. It is a war where the
casualties we inflict are as yet unborn. Some of these casualties
are those who never will be born. Perhaps the greatest catastrophe
will be the extinction of the human species.
It is a war
where our lifestyles are our tactical weapons. Our infantry is
composed of our own bodies, where instead of loading and pumping
out shells, we aim ninety million wombs a year towards tomorrow
and fire a volley of a quarter of a million babies into the future
every single day.
With every
shot, trees fall to provide diapers and toilet tissue, more fish
are yanked from the sea, more pesticides are sprayed onto crops,
more automobiles are manufactured, more, more, more and more
as the quality of the life sustaining environment becomes less
and less and less.
The most deadly
weapon ever created is the human baby, because in the hands of
thoughtless, selfish, arrogant, and ruthless parents the baby
is molded into a taker - insensitive, greedy, destructive and
apathetic in short, a parasite.
We who pride
ourselves as the greatest creatures upon this Earth, so grandiose
in stature that we are modeled upon the very image that we have
formed of God, we who define ourselves as the paragon of animals!
Man the toolmaker. Man the artist. Man the Thinker. Man the omnipotent,
all powerful and so, so, incredibly arrogant that we remold and
re-spin the will of our Gods each day to suit our trivial pursuits.
Very little
stands in our way. We conquer mountains and yearn to conquer
space. We subdue nature, destroy creation itself, just because
it pleases or profits us to do so. In the process, we stomp thousands
of species - both plant and animal into extinction, barely giving
each passing a thought. Woe be it to the nonhuman obstacle that
stands before our manifest destiny and woe be it to the human
that questions this conceit.
homo sapien, homo arrogantus, we conceited naked
apes whose skulls are filled with dreams of self proclaimed divinity
and whose opposable thumbs are destined to hitchhike us to oblivion.
For all our boasts of being the most intelligent species on this
planet, we still have not learned to live in harmony with our
fellow Earthlings or in harmony with the ecosystems that support
and sustain us. We have evolved from forest primates to living
in insect-like communes, each of us dutifully concentrating on
fulfilling our role as willing slaves to the economic regimes
that govern us.
The Yanomani
people of Amazonia have a name for us: the termite people. We
gobble up the trees and burrow tunnels through the earth and
spew our foul filth onto the beauteous bosom of nature.
And we have
little time to spare to reflect upon the consequences of our
profound arrogance. Gone forever are the passenger pigeon, the
buffalo wolf, the North African bear, the giant auk, the Steller
sea cow, and I could carry on naming scores of wondrous creatures
exterminated and extirpated by the bloody hands of man.
We think little
of them, if at all, and we feel even less. Our guilt is absolved
by denial and distractions. Animals don't think and don't feel,
or so we choose to believe - it makes it easier to put a bullet
into their head, or to bludgeon a baby seal or to harpoon a whale.
We simply deny them respect and finish them off without regret
or remorse.
Life on the cheap
we do the same to people. Those who are not of our tribe, of
our religion, of our citizenship, who fly a different piece of
cloth than us can be killed, wasted, maimed, humiliated, cast
aside and dismissed as honkies, kikes, gooks, queers, redskins,
rednecks, republicans, cops, gang-bangers, feminazi's eco-freaks
or any of hundreds of names we have devised to label those we
consider different and thus expendable. For all our pretensions,
we remain tribalistic, territorialistic, and so very trivial
in our passions.
After all,
there are so many of us, and life is such a cheap commodity,
that we can afford to lose a few. Most of the causalities are
simply just names anyway, names devoid of humanity - we think
little of them and witness their passing as fodder to fill in
the dramatic and entertaining presentation of the nightly news.
Oh, we do
have our icons, our worthy aristocracy. If a movie star crashes
in a plane or a princess dies in a car crash, most of us struggle
to act out the pain, as if we must, if only to impress ourselves
that we are not totally devoid of compassion. Or we retreat to
the tribalism of family and mourn for those we feel obligated
to mourn for, forgetting those who came before with as much disdain
as we have for those who will come after us.
Who was your
great, great, great, great grandmother? What was her name? What
was she like? Most of us do not know, nor have we given it much
thought. The past is of little concern to a people pleasured
by the present.
As a result,
we are beings without a past, lost in a dimension of materialistic
values where, if something is not fabricated from metal, glass,
concrete or plastic, it is of little value. In truth, we have
absolutely no idea of where we came from and we have even less
interest in where we are going. The future is an abstraction
and any ideas of what our children's children's children world
will be like is seldom entertained.
What will
this world be like in fifty years, five hundred years, five thousand
or fifty thousand years from now? What will it be like five million
years from now? We think little about this, yet our actions in
the present are the determining factors that will shape the Earth
of tomorrow.
In truth,
I waste my breath speaking on this issue that we wish to avoid
like the plague, for it is in fact the plague of our own numbers
that perches on the near horizon, haunting our collective futures.
I waste my breath because the world does not want to hear the
truth and will not see the truth until it springs like a carnivorous
ogre upon our children, striking them down like reaped grain,
victims of the ignorant arrogance of their God-aspiring parents.
Unpopular solutions
are solutions. I have absolutely no doubt that the problem of
out-of-control human population growth will be solved. It will
be solved whether we like it or not. We simply have to choose
between a voluntary, pleasant solution and an involuntary, unpleasant
I don't believe we will solve the problem voluntarily. We don't
have the intelligence nor the fortitude for it. We don't like
to sacrifice our comforts, and we have theological and cultural
barriers that prevent intelligent decisions from being introduced.
People don't want real solutions. We prefer instead the illusion
of solutions.
I attended
the U.N. Conference on the Environment in Stockholm, in 1972.
At the top of the agenda at that conference was the problem of
human population growth. Twenty years later - and with over a
billion people more on the planet I attended the meeting of the
U.N. Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio De
Janiero. The issue of human population growth was not even on
the agenda. There was lots of talk about development, however,
with catchy phrases meant to justify business-as-usual, like
"sustainable yields" and "revised management programs."
In this country,
you need a license to drive a car. You need a license to pilot
an airplane and, with ever-increasing regulations, it is even
getting difficult to take out a rowboat without passing a Coast
Guard exam. You need a permit for a handgun. You even need a
special permit to hike in Yosmite or to visit Glacier National
Park because of overcrowding.
The one thing
you don't need a permit for is to have a child. There is no need
to write an examination. There is no requirement to demonstrate
competency to have a child. You need to demonstrate financial
responsibility to buy a house, but not to have a child. You can
be a blathering idiot with a history of child molestation and
drug addiction and you can still have a child. In a world where
fewer and fewer people are criticizing the erosion of our freedoms,
the freedom to impregnate or to become pregnant is considered
The simplest
damn thing that most human beings can do is to have a kid.
I think it
is not unreasonable to propose that, before anyone is allowed
to be a father or a mother, they pass a few simple tests. First,
the parents or single parent should prove that they have the
financial means to support a child for at least eighteen years
without forcing the taxpayers to provide child support. Secondly,
the parents or single parent should demonstrate that they have
no history of abuse, both self abuse, through drugs or alcohol,
or abuse to others. Thirdly, the parents or single parent should
demonstrate that they can provide a healthy, nurturing, loving
environment in which to raise the child.
Pass these
tests and a permit could be issued to have a child. This permit
could be issued by a medical doctor - sort of like a prescription.
If these three simple tests cannot be passed, and a pregnancy
happens without the permit the foetus should be aborted.
I say this,
knowing that it will horrify people and that I will be called
a Nazi. However, I should remind you that Hitler ordered German
women to have as many babies as possible and gave a bonus to
large families. Hitler and the Nazi were not proponents of birth
Follow the rules
three simple rules that I propose do not discriminate against
any race. All three rules are meant to benefit the child and
to benefit society as a whole. No child should be raised in poverty,
and society should not be obligated to pay the child support.
It can be argued that this is discrimination against the poor.
And it is. But what better way to end poverty than to prevent
the ever growing number of poor children? And what better motivation
for people who want children than to demand that they become
responsible adults first?
The second
rule also does not discriminate against any race or social group.
It is a rule that benefits the child. If you are inclined to
beat your spouse or commit violence to children, then why should
you be allowed to create a victim?
The third
rule is just plain common sense.
You know,
I've always wondered why the polls demonstrate that most right-to-lifers
are pro-capital punishment. Who ends up on death row? Unwanted,
abused, uneducated, unloved, malnourished children. Every murderer
was once an innocent child. Every gang-banger was once a cute
little baby. Even Hitler, Stalin, Hussein and Charlie Manson
were once darling toddlers.
The production
of a human being is a serious responsibility, yet we allow anyone
who wishes to reproduce to do so because, globally, we consider
reproductive rights to be the priority human right. Many cultures
willingly and actively suppress and deny freedom of speech, freedom
of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of sexual orientation,
and even freedom of thought. But no significant culture has ever
suppressed freedom of reproduction.
It's just
an idea. It won't work. Society won't go for anything as revolutionary
as common sense.
Here come the horsemen
solution that will work will be delivered by the Laws of Nature.
It will be Nature that will dispatch the four horsemen of the
apocalypse. Our arrogance and our ignorance, our refusal to act
responsibly, our refusal to curb our own numbers will bring on
those horses: Famine, Plague, War, Civil Strife.
Famine is
already upon us. And yet, from the ranks of the foetus-lovers
in the land of plenty, we hear little of the suffering of the
millions of children who starve to death each year. What we do
hear is promises from the bio-genetic industry for miracle crops.
Where the wise see misery, the greedy see potential. All over
the world, commercial fisheries are collapsing. People are outnumbering
the fishes in the sea. And as resources dwindle, we target scapegoats
for extermination. Protect the fish, kill the seals, the whales,
the dolphins. Save our crops from the elephants. Blame other
species. Blame the weather. Blame El Niño but don't blame
Each day,
I hear on the news about innocent victims of violence, innocent
victims of natural disasters, innocent victims of famine and
disease. There are no innocent victims. A birth certificate is
evidence of guilt. Guilt by association with the collective stupidity
of the human species.
The greatest
threat to our future is the rapid destruction of biodiversity.
Every person on this Earth shares the blame for the wholesale
destruction of biodiversity, from the trees sacrificed for disposable
diapers to the mercury vapors released into the atmosphere from
the crematorium.
human population growth is the single most significant factor
causing the mass extermination of species presently going on
- for the most part, out of sight and out of mind.
Plague is
among us and the emergence of new viruses is a daily news item.
Tuberculoses, malaria, cholera, AIDS - all steadily rising. The
plague of cancer, increasing. Instead of striking at the source,
we torture animals in laboratories, and we have made an industry
of promising hope to the victims.
Wars are increasing.
Wars over resources. Wars over ethnic and religious issues. Race
wars. As our numbers increase, people turn more and more to tribalism.
We retreat to the security of "us vs. them." We need
faces to hate. Isn't it amazing that there is always a face there
in front of us, put there by the media, for us to conveniently
hate? Ben Laden, Saddamn Hussein, Kaddafi, the Ayatollah, Noreiga,
one right after the other.
will increase and will be used for further justification of extinguishing
liberty. Repression begets terrorism, and terrorism begets more
repression. Civil strife. Drugs, gangs, alcoholism, demonstrations,
civil disobedience, repression of protests.
We are not
just on the threshold of global apocalypse. We are inside the
But the public
won't listen. We are too busy with circuses. We need to be entertained.
As Rome burns, we party, we dance, we drink, we take drugs, we
watch mindless television and listen to mindless talk shows and
read mindless newspapers.
In this city,
right now, the largest political circus of the year is assembling.
I can 100% assure you, right now, that one issue that will not
be discussed is overpopulation or immigration. They won't discuss
the cause but they will lament the symptoms and they will deliver
the same old political rhetoric. The solution lies in family.
Family values and more prisons, more police officers, stiffer
jail sentences, more laws. Just say no to drugs. Just say no
to sex. Outlaw abortion. Just say no to freedom.
Family devalues
the hell are family values? I can see America's family values
on the Jerry Springer show. I see America's family values in
teen pregnancies, juvenile drug and alcohol abuse, and declining
educational systems. What is Al Gore or George Bush going to
do to improve family values? Not a damn thing. As I recall, Bill
Clinton was big on family values. Nor will you see any solutions
coming from that parliament of whores in Washington, D.C.
We need to
address the real problems threatening the future security, of
not just this nation, but of the entire planet. Priority problems
like escalating species extinction, global warming, dwindling
resources, genetically modified crops, pollution, deforestation.
Instead, we
focus on trivialities. Trivialities like gays in the military,
abortion, race relations, prolonging life etc. I don't give a
damn about women or gays in the military. Why are we wasting
political time on this nonsense? I'm against women and Gays in
the military for the same reason I'm against men in the military.
Why? Because I'm not a big fan of war.
We need more of them. What's the big debate about? The right-to-life
crowd don't give a damn about postnatal abortions - all those
unwanted and abused children brought into this world by the ignorant
and the irresponsible. If the Catholic Church believes that a
foetus has a soul, then why is a foetus not accorded the last
rites of the Church?
If we had
a fraction of the concern for the postnatal child as we do for
the foetus - we would have a healthier society.
Race - ahh,
this is a big distraction. There's only one race the human race
and it's the problem. We don't have a black problem, or a Mexican
problem. We don't have a Jewish problem, or a Japanese problem.
What we have is a human problem. Too many humans.
How about
a little affirmative action for the other species that live on
this planet with us?
Heart transplants
- we tortured lots of animals to come up with this Frankensteinian
nonsense. Maybe if we spent more money on prevention and heath
counselling and less on organ trading, we might all be healthier.
Instead, the same system that spends a million bucks extending
one insured person's life regardless if she/he wants it, turns
its back on the uninsured child in need of help. The healthy
die from lack of food and water while the near dead are kept
alive at enormous expense.
It's difficult
to die when you haven't lived. If you've lived a full, free life
- death is not that frightening. Most of us spend our entire
life paying a mortgage and then we die. Take the Latin roots
of that word mortgage and you have death contract or a contract
unto death. Most of us are to busy paying off our death contract
to take the time to live.
We all die.
We don't all live.
It's becoming
increasingly more and more difficult to live an adventurous and
free life. The reason is simple. We don't have the room for it.
We have replaced quality of life with quantity of life.
Absolute limits
much further will we go? A half a century ago, I was born into
a world of three billion people. There is now over six. That's
a doubling in fifty years. Since the majority of these six billion
are under thirty-five years of age, I think it is logical to
project a world population in excess of twelve billion by 2050
and twenty-four billion by 2100. By 2150 we could have 48 billion.
But not to
worry - it won't go that far. No species can survive living outside
the three basic laws of ecology. The law of Biodiversity that
diversity is essential for survival of every species. The Law
of Interdependence that all species are interdependent on each
other. The Law of Finite Growth that there are limits to growth
and resources and carrying capacities are finite.
As T.S. Elliot
wrote, the world will not end in a bang but with a whimper. The
pathetic whimpers of starving, diseased, wounded human beings
bleeding in the mud, dying alone on a planet made wasteland by
the arrogance and ignorance of a single species.
I know - I'm
just a doom and gloom prophet. Rush Limbaugh calls us Casandra's
always railing about the negative. That's an interesting comparison
and reflects on Limbaugh's ignorance of classical literature.
Yes, Casandra was a prophetess of doom. Yes, she harassed King
Priam about the fall of Troy. Her curse was that she knew the
truth, and she was condemned to have no one believe her. In the
end, she was right.
That is our
position today. We know the truth. It's simply a question of
mathematics. Any kid with a calculator can add up the numbers
and see that, without subtraction, multiplication will lead to
Humanity is
dying and does not wish to know about it. We don't want solutions,
we want denial. We want fairy tales. We want illusions. We do
not want the truth. That is our curse - to see the truth and
to not be believed.
But once we
have seen the truth, we cannot back down. This planet is worth
fighting for. We can't be concerned about the outcome. We can
only focus on doing the right thing. And maybe, just maybe, we
can break through.
I believe
that a voluntary solution to solving the population problem is
But maybe the impossible is the only solution we have.