n improvement on a World War II-vintage
synthetic fuel by University of Kansas researchers has led to the development
of a cost effective synthetic diesel fuel with exceptional performance.
KU researchers developed formulations
of the fuel that allowed the elimination of one of the three steps in the
Fischer-Tropsch conversion of natural gas to synthetic diesel, said Galen
Suppes, associate professor of chemical and petroleum engineering. Without
the extra step, the production of synthetic diesel fuel could be more economically
"Preliminary engine tests indicate
that these formulations are probably the best liquid fuel that has ever
been recorded for use in a diesel engine," Suppes said. "A few
hurdles lie between the point where we are and commercial utilization, but
this fuel definitely has possibilities."
KU's fuel application research complements
production development by Syntro-leum Corp., Tulsa, Okla., to make clean
synthetic fuels commercially available on a widespread basis. These fuels
could exceed current or proposed environmental standards and still be produced
economically. A patent is pending on the formulation developed at KU.
To convert natural gas to a liquid
form, heat, steam and a nickel-based catalyst are used to produce a carbon
monoxide and hydrogen mixture known as synthesis gas or syngas. The second
step in the process is to produce a liquid fuel from the syngas using the
Fischer-Tropsch reaction.
Developed in 1923 by Franz Fischer
and Hans Tropsch, Fischer-Tropsch technology was used by Germany in World
War II to produce liquid fuels from coal. This allowed Germany to develop
a reliable, if expensive, source of diesel fuel within its borders.
Although synthetic fuels have been
produced from coal since the war, a costly refining technique has always
been needed as a third and final production step after the Fischer-Tropsch
synthesis. According to Suppes, with the KU formulations and other recent
production improvements, the third step is unnecessary.
"We believe that the fuel is
good enough to use after the second step," he said. "We used the
synthetic oil in different formulations in engine tests and identified several
that worked very well in an unmodified diesel engine. It worked better than
diesel fuel."
"In preferred blends, nitrogen
oxide emissions were reduced by 10 percent," Suppes said, "while
particulate emissions decreased from 5 percent to 69 percent, depending
on the mixture. Blending is important for the best performance."
Syntroleum has already taken steps
to certify a number of different alternative fuels, including the one researched
by KU. Once certified, these fuels can be produced by any of Syntroleum's
licensees. Current licensees include ARCO, Texaco, Kerr-McGee, YPF, Marathon
and Enron.
Syntroleum is one of the world's
corporate leaders in developing processes to convert natural gas to synthetic
liquid fuels. Researchers believe that a synthetic fuel could be economically
produced from natural gas that is found in hard-to-reach regions, such as
Alaska's North Slope, or that is currently being burned off in various locations
around the world.
"The synthetic fuel can be produced
from coal, biomass, municipal solid waste and natural gas. And the fuel
can be distributed in existing pipelines," Suppes said. "This
is a great greenhouse gas solution." 