Are Bailie, Robinson and Newman anomalies,
or can anyone become an environmental crusader?
"What sets successful reformers
apart is both their passion at the outset and their ability to sustain the
fight over years and decades," the Glazers claim. Like the activists
they profiled in their earlier, highly acclaimed book, The Whistleblowers:
Exposing Corruption in Government and Industry, these reformers, once
they get involved in the battle, refuse to back off.
"If they retreat," Mickey
Glazer explains, "they feel they have given up and let others down.
For some people, a lengthy struggle is too stressful, but for true environmental
crusaders it is galvanizing. They strengthen their resolve by building a
sense of community solidarity."
While acknowledging that not everyone
is cut out for the crusader role, the Glazers reject recent claims that
civic responsibility is declining in America. Are more people retreating
into private life as they become alienated from their societies?
"Quite possibly," Penina
Glazer responds. "But at the same time, our research shows that there
are literally hundreds of thousands of people and thousands of environmental
groups who believe that change is possible through responsible collective
"Their organizations may not
have charters, constitutions or fancy offices. But when the need arises,
there are grass-roots environmental crusaders throughout the country, in
every community under attack, organizing and saying 'We can do something