he Center for Marine Conservation
(CMC) joined representatives of other conservation groups in condemning
the World Trade Organization (WTO) for a ruling that threatens the survival
of the world's endangered sea turtles. The WTO ruled against the United
States over its law banning the import of shrimp from countries whose fishing
fleets do not use turtle excluder devices (TEDs) to protect endangered sea
turtles from drowning in shrimp nets. CMC was among the conservation groups
that filed briefs before the WTO defending the U.S. policy.
At a Washington, DC, news conference,
CMC Program Counsel Tim Eichenberg expressed outrage "that the WTO
or any other international body could require U.S. markets to accept goods
produced in a manner that imperils the existence of an entire life form."
He noted that six of the seven known species of sea turtles are listed as
threatened or endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, the World
Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List, and the Convention on Migratory Species.
In addition, all seven sea turtle species are listed under CITES, the Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species.
"The U.S. law that requires
nations importing shrimp to have comparable sea turtle conservation programs
is nondiscriminatory, scientifically supported, reasonable, and absolutely
necessary to save endangered sea turtle species," Eichenberg said.
He called shrimp fishing "the most wasteful fishery on earth."
Worldwide, he said, about 84 percent of the marine life caught in shrimp
nets is discarded, dead or dying. Before TEDs were required in U.S. waters,
as many as 55,000 sea turtles were killed each year in shrimp nets. Proper
use of the inexpensive and efficient devices allows 97 percent of sea turtles
caught in shrimp nets to escape, with little or no loss of shrimp catch.
Eichenberg also blasted the Clinton
Administration for allowing a recent State Department decision to loosen
restrictions on shipments of shrimp from nations that do not have comprehensive
TEDs programs. He called on the Administration "to abandon its harmful
new import policy, assert leadership in reforming the WTO's anti-environmental
policies, work to ratify the Inter-American Convention for the Protection
and Conservation of Sea Turtles, and negotiate other multilateral agreements
to protect sea turtles from extinction."
The Center for Marine Conservation
is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated solely to protecting ocean
environments and conserving the global diversity of marine life. Through
science-based advocacy, research, and public education, CMC promotes informed
citizen participation to reverse the degradation of our oceans. Established
in 1972, CMC has 120,000 members. Headquartered in Washington, DC, CMC has
regional offices in California, Florida, and Virginia. 