Department of Energy (DOE) has reached an agreement with lighting
manufacturers to improve the energy efficiency of fluorescent
lighting. Adoption of new efficiency standards is expected to
save between two and five quads of energy over a 30 year period,
or enough energy to supply 12 to 26 million US homes for one
year. The agreement is also expected to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by 33 -- 72 million metric tons and nitrous oxide emissions
by 108,000 -- 235,000 tons over 30 years.
accounts for 20 percent to 25 percent of all electricity consumed
in the United States, and as a nation, we spend billions on it
each year," said Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. "This
agreement is a victory for consumers, for the environment and
for industry."
new standards become effective on April 1, 2005, after which
all new fluorescent lamps must use energy-efficient electronic
ballasts. Ballasts increase the frequency of electricity to the
higher levels needed to light the fluorescent tubes in light
fixtures. Electronic ballasts are far more efficient than older,
magnetic ballasts. Magnetic ballasts will remain available until
2010 for building owners to repair current systems. Residential
ballasts will be exempt from these standards, but the agreement
will support efforts by DOE to evaluate the residential lighting
agreement was approved by the Natural Resources Defense Council,
American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, the Alliance
to Save Energy, the Oregon Department of Energy, the National
Electrical Manufacturers Association, lamp manufacturers, luminaire
manufacturers and ballast component suppliers.