n Environmental Justice Interagency Committee has
selected the Barrio Logan Community in San Diego as one of 15
national pilot projectsin a new environmental justice initiative.
The US Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Housing
and Urban Development, and the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences have joined together with the California Air
Resources Board, the San Diego Air Pollution Control Board and
the Environmental Health Coalition to find ways of improving
air quality in this predominately low-income Latino community.
air quality in Barrio Logan will not only improve the health
of this community, but will serve as a role model for similar
communities throughout the Unites States," said Clarice
Gaylord, a Senior Policy Advisor for the EPA's San Diego Border
office. "This program will provide much needed support in
our commitment to protecting public health and the environment
of this community."
The Barrio
Logan community is a low-income Latino Community, crisscrossed
by two major freeways, and is subject to the release of 3 million
pounds of toxic air pollution each year from numerous small industries,
large shipyards, and naval installations adjacent to the area.
The EPA's
tools-for-schools kits will be used to identify indoor air pollution
sources in schools and the EPA will also provide resources to
the American Lung Association to conduct Open Airways training.
An air monitoring station is being provided by the Air Resources
Board and the NIEHS has awarded a $600,000 three year grant to
the USC Environmental Health Sciences Center, the Environmental
Health Coalition and the Logan Heights Family Health Center to
study the incidence of asthma in children living in the community
and to assess potential air pollution sources. The goal of the
project is to improve the health in neighborhoods adversely impacted
by disproportionate environmental impacts.