Tell Staples to stop destroying forests!
Staples -- number one in forest destruction!
provided by Earth Island Institute
very day we are losing more of our forests to the
production of paper products. Paper production is one of the
primary reasons our forests are being clear-cut at such a dizzying
pace. And many of these products office paper, post-it pads,
paper towels, napkins, etc. are used once and then thrown away.
pulp and paper industry is the largest single industrial wood
consumer in the United States and in the world. Pulp mills in
the United States consume more than 12,000 square miles of forest
each year; almost half of all trees logged are turned into paper,
and the percentage is increasing.
90% of the world's paper is manufactured from wood pulp, but
in the United States less than 1% of the total pulp produced
is manufactured from nonwood, tree free alternatives. In the
United States, our per capita paper usage tips the scales at
735 pounds of paper per year.
More than
half of our paper in the United States comes from Southern forests,
the region containing the greatest biodiversity in the continental
United States. Office paper also contains pulp made from old
growth trees United States such as majestic 1000-year-old Douglas
firs from the Pacific Northwest, or Canada's Great Bear Rainforest.
Paper comprises
from 40 to 50 percent of the trash in typical landfills.
The Staples story
is the largest and fastest growing office super-store in the
world, with 1,100 stores and locations in 48 states plus Washington,
DC and the UK, Canada, Germany, Portugal and the Netherlands.
Staples sale of paper is driving the destruction of our endangered
forests worldwide, including in US National Forests, the forests
of the southeast, and old growth forests in the Pacific Northwest.
Staples also
sells desks and other wood products made by Sauder Industries
-- a company that purchases wood coming directly from the Great
Bear Rainforest, the largest intact temperate rainforest in North
Staples is
opening new stores at an alarming rate: during 1999, Staples
opened its 1000th store and in a single day opened 22 retail
stores. As the number of Staples stores increases so does the
number of forests destroyed.
have been trying to persuade Staples to stop selling old growth
for over a year. Staples has refused. It is critical that we
demand that Staples that stop destroying forests. We are calling
on Staples to:
- Immediately phaseout of all wood and paper
products made from old growth fiber.
- Immediately phaseout of all wood and paper
products made from fiber from US public lands.
- Set a target of 50% post consumer content
for all paper products and begin an immediate phaseout of all
products that are 100% virgin wood fiber.
- Make available 100% post consumer paper and
paper that is made from agricultural fiber in all stores or other
points of sale.
- Educate all employees, customers, and suppliers
on the benefits of recycled paper, recycling, the availability
of alternative fibers, and the benefits of healthy forest resources.
We need
to act now. Experts expect worldwide paper and paperboard consumption
will increase 90% from 1993 levels by 2010.
What you can do
tons of paper every year, the office supply industry is driving
the destruction of our forests worldwide, including US National
Forests, forests of the Southern US, and old growth forests.
With nonwood and tree free paper readily available, there is
simply no need for office supplies to be made from native forests,
used once, and thrown away.
Staples is
the largest and fastest growing office super store in the world.
Please write to Staples and demand that they immediately begin
to sell all tree-free and post-consumer recycled paper, while
immediately stopping the sale of paper from old growth and US
National Forests. Let them know the American public will no longer
accept paper made from forest destruction.
Write to:
Mr. Tom Stemberg, CEO
Staple's, Inc.
500 Staple's Drive
Framingham, MA 01702
am writing to urge you to end your company's sale of products
made from the destruction of endangered forests and become a
supplier of ecologically sound wood and paper alternatives. Every
day we are losing more of our forests to logging. We all depend
on forests for stable climates, oxygen, soil conservation, and
clean water. I am particularly concerned with the impact the
production of paper has on these forests -- the pulp and paper
industry is the single largest industrial wood consumer in the
United States and the rest of the world. As an industry leader,
Staples has the responsibility to set the standard in protecting
our forests and transition the paper industry to a more ecologically
sound position. Your company should immediately eliminate products
made from old growth and US national forests and to begin an
immediate phase out of all products that are 100% virgin wood
fiber and replace them with high content post consumer and tree
free products. Please let me know about your plans to address
this critical issue.
[Name and
What else you can do
- Organize an event in front of a local Staples
to educate consumers and pressure the company.
- Alert the media
- Organize a letter writing campaign or a call/fax
in day to Staples
- Write letters/op-eds or even articles for
your local papers.
- Do outreach to local community organizations,
religious organizations and community leaders. Ask them to get
involved to save endangered forests.
To find
a Staples store near you, go to Staples's web site
If there isn't a store near you, you can organize a call-in day
to Staples CEO Tom Stemberg. His direct extension is 508-253-7143.
The main number to corporate headquarters is 508-253-5000. You
can also call the customer service number at 1-800-3staple.
Additional Information
We now
have a list serve to keep people updated on the old growth campaign
and to facilitate communication about upcoming events. To get
on the list serve, send an email to Liz Butler. Include all your
contact information.
Should you have any questions, concerns, or some advice, please do not hesitate to call. You can call Liz Butler/Coastal Rainforest Coalition, 206-781-1107, 202-285-6758, liz; Kelly Sheehan/ American Lands, (828) 698-2422, sheehan1; Michelle/ FTP 202-547-3656, michelle; Jen Krill/RAN 415-398-4404, jkrill Nancy Hurwitz/ ReThink Paper 503-668-5123, rtp