Back Country Coalition works for conservation
Three government-sponsored juggernaut projects roll on, despite questionable rationale, environmental impacts and local opposition.
by Bonnie Gendron
Back Country Coalition (BCC) is an organization of groups and
individuals from San Diego's East County who have been actively
working to preserve natural resources, quality of life and rural
character of the back country. Formed in August '97, its primary
goals are: to ensure that only reasonable, well-planned growth
occurs in our communities; making sure our elected officials
and government agencies comply with existing laws in making their
decisions; and to provide the public with factual information
about relevant issues. |
Scenic highway threatened
State Route 94 runs 64 miles, from Jamul to Boulevard.
It is a beautiful, scenic country road that provides unspoiled
vistas of rugged mountains, winding alongside riparian woodlands
with 300-year-old oak trees, streams and through expanses of
pristine grassland. SR 94 is one of San Diego County's last remaining,
unspoiled scenic routes.
These natural treasures are under imminent threat
of destruction by three projects that are being proposed by federal,
state and county governments. They are the U.S. General Services
Administration's (GSA) Tecate Port of Entry Expansion Project,
California Department of Transportation's Passing Lanes project
and the county's Tecate Rezone project. So far, none of the proposed
projects has analyzed the cumulative impacts of all three projects.
The projects are nearing their approval and the BCC needs more
help in a variety of ways.
Tecate travesty
The Tecate Port of Entry Expansion project will provide
five times the processing capacity for big-rig trucks from Mexico.
The project is not proposing to increase the amount of vehicle
safety inspections and the worst trucks try to get through the
Tecate facility. A California Highway Patrol inspection operation
of 50 trucks in March of 1997 netted 40 citations and placed
32 (64 percent) of them out of service! The Calexico and Otay
Mesa ports of entry have 24-hour Class A inspection facilities.
This project refuses to analyze alternatives, such as using Mexican
Highway 2 from Tecate to Otay Mesa, an underused, improved four-lane
highway. The project also refuses to analyze its potential adverse
impacts to the SR 94 corridor. The cost to complete the expansion
is estimated to be $15 million. |
Passing lanes project - we'll pass
The SR 94 Passing Lanes project is supposed to be
a "safety project." However, Caltrans is using old
accident statistics from 1989-1991 to justify the work. Since
1991, Caltrans has made several "improvements" to SR
94. Current statistics show declines in accidents. This project
has a $13.5 million price tag. It is only a small segment of
the long-range proposal to widen SR 94 from the present 2 lanes
to 4 and 6 lanes.The cost of the long range proposal will be
closer to $900 million.
Removal of the ancient oaks for the Passing Lanes
project will be mitigated with 400 oak seedlings, planted in
a single, 2-acre area. Former Caltrans mitigation plantings have
had a 90 percent mortality rate.
This project would not be necessary without the big-rig
commercial trucks that now use the road, creating dangerous driving
conditions for everyone. The trucks cannot legally or safely
negotiate the sharp curves and steep grades without going into
the opposite lane in many areas.
Caltrans' Phase II Study of NAFTA effects on SR 94
and alternatives to the project will be released in 1998. The
BCC believes Caltrans should suspend the current project until
the Phase II study is completed.
Rezoning - for traffic and pollution
The County's Tecate Rezone project is also unnecessary.
This proposal would turn the entire Country Town of Tecate, California,
into an industrial/commercial zone. The industrial and commercial
zones which exist in Tecate now are underdeveloped.
The county's traffic analyses for the project at buildout
have ranged from 10,000 to 55,000 average daily trips (ADTs).
As of November 18, 1997, the estimate is 23,000 ADTs. The BCC's
independent analysis of traffic volume at buildout shows 280,000
ADTs. Much of that additional commercial traffic would end up
on SR 94.
There are no enforceable monitoring mechanisms proposed
to control the traffic volume or water usage of the project.
The water needs of the area are served by a sole-source aquifer
. This project threatens to contaminate and deplete that important
Local interest and action
The BCC has successfully generated major local media
attention on these issues. The "State Route 94 Summit"
on November 18, 1997 in Jamul, sponsored by the Second District
Supervisor, was attended by over 100 people, many of whom were
local concerned residents. BCC has been in close contact with
Senator Boxer's office. Senator Boxer has written a letter to
the General Services Administration, requesting further analyses
of the alternatives be done before proceeding with the project.
The BCC has reviewed and commented on flawed environmental
documents for these projects and we are preparing for possible
litigation. BCC has the assistance of the Endangered Habitats
League, and the Sierra Club has voted to oppose the projects.
BCC is also working with other environmental groups in San Diego
to develop a united front.
The last word
The GSA is expected to circulate a final Environmental
Impact Statement in mid-December for the expansion project..
It will offer no analysis or mitigation of impacts beyond the
project boundaries. GSA staff has stated that it will take "an
act of Congress" to stop the project and they "have
their marching orders."
The BCC will continue to work for protection of the
SR 94 corridor and for alternatives to these destructive, expensive,
unnecessary projects. Any assistance with our efforts or donations
are welcome. SR 94 and its natural beauty are part of San Diego
and belong to us all.
Contact Bonnie at (619)445-4067 (surtsey or Karen at (619)478-2513 or email Karen_Rodgers for more information. |