We (my
compadres in Duvall) were parked in Seattle's Capitol Hill District
at 9:45 in the morning. We decided to make our way to Denny St.,
a main artery to the Space Needle. As we approached the intersection
with Denny, the noise became incredible. Drums, whistles, and
above all the chant, "HEY HEY, HO HO, THE WTO HAS GOT TO
GO...". Our party of five quickly joined 1,000+ students
from the University of Washington. We had simultaneously reached
the intersection with their lead banner carriers. This was only
the beginning of an amazing series of synchronistic events for
our group of five. The spirits were high here, as we marched
and marched and marched. Faces, shirts, pants and signs were
painted in various "No to the WTO!" themes. "HUMAN
Our numbers began to swell as smaller, organized groups joined
in, just like ours had. The sky has now cleared and there's a
beautiful rainbow over Seattle.
the Needle, I was struck by how multicultural this whole affair
had become. A very loud Latino student movement had just joined
us, and now we were in the midst of hundreds of people, practicing
Falon Gong, an outlawed (in China) exercise similar to Tai Chi.
Further down were contingents of folk from Laos, Vietnam, Tibet.
The tears began streaming down my face when I saw many of them
carrying posters of their missing relatives, victims of voicing
their own opinions.
This march
ended near Memorial Stadium, where the AFL-CIO were holding their
own rally. Various student leaders spoke over microphones in
the parklike amphitheater we were in. Messages of thanks, for
acting as global watch dogs, started sounding the same after
a while, so my compadres and I went over to Memorial Stadium.
As we entered,
we were greeted with stickers that said: If the WTO doesn't work
for working families, then it doesn't work! There were well over
5,000 people there when we arrived, probably close to ten. Various
labor leaders were being projected onto a large screen as they
spoke. The atmosphere here was less raucous than the student
crowd, but the anger was deep, a smoldering that seemed controlled
within each speaker that spoke, and every blue collar worker
that I looked at. It was amazing to look around the stadium:
here were the AFL-CIO, United Steel Workers, the Green Party,
Humane Society, and Organic Farmers of America ("Don't Pinch
My Organic Tomatoes"). The Humane Society was carrying a
giant sea turtle balloon, and each member was wearing a shell
on their backs (A recent WTO decision: the US must open their
markets to countries that don't mind killing this endangered
species as they go about their shrimp collecting business).
An exhilarated
hush fell over the crowd as Vandana Shiva, an intellectual leader
from India, took the stage. She talked to us of the poor working
conditions in other countries, calling them nothing but slavery.
In our push to globalize the economy, we overlook the child slavery,
the sex slavery, that is happening in underdeveloped countries.
She only spoke for a few minutes; her main act that day was partnering
with Raph Nader in a debate on globalization of world economies.
This rally
in Memorial stadium was to be the beginning point of the legal
march through downtown Seattle, just skirting the convention
center where the WTO conference was being held. We were anxious
to march, and the stream of speakers seemed endless. It is here
where we sealed our fate. Our ire (and curiosity) was sufficient
for us to decide to join the blockading of WTO delegates inside
the Paramount Hotel, which is right next to the Convention Center.
The streets
were empty of cars as we took our direct route to downtown. Groups
of demonstrators milled about, waiting for the march to begin.
As we got closer to Pike St., one passerby warned us, "Be
careful." Blocks ahead was a throng of people. At this point,
the smashed windows and anarchy graffiti showed up. A whole block
before the throng began, jewelry stores, a bank, the Nike outlet,
and especially Starbucks, had some sort of exterior damage. This
was all from yesterday.
Finally, to
the throng. Here we were, people everywhere, not marching, but
just standing and watching. There were folks climbing buildings,
hanging banners. People standing on the "Walk/Don't Walk"
light. Drumming, singing, chanting. These were everyday people.
It soon became
apparent why there was no marching: there was nowhere to go but
back, or up a side street. There was a line of police, in full
riot gear, just a little way up on 2 sides of this intersection.
Between the crowds and the police were seated demonstrators,
the effective blockade, five to ten rows thick. Behind everyone
was the Convention Center.
Sour, somber
faces looked out at us behind plastic shields. After a while,
you got used to it, and refocused your energy on the goings-on
in the crowds. Chinese men wearing "NO Agri-business in
China" bandanas. A group of brightly dressed dancers and
musicians (Korean, I think) did impromptu performances throughout
the crowd. The scene here was stable. A fellow with a radio called
out: "8th and Seneca, 8th and Seneca. There's a hole, delegates
are getting through!"
We never
made it to 8th and Seneca. As we veered away from this major
blockade, looking for side streets that weren't lined off by
riot police (they all were), we inexplicably found ourselves
in the middle of the march that had left from Memorial Stadium.
Our progress was slow until we found a route that led us to another
corner of the Paramount Hotel. Michael Moore of "Roger and
Me" fame was there by the entrance, looking just smashing
in a NY baseball hat. We continued on.
there was a commotion. Three cars were trying to leave a small
parking lot on the side of the Paramount. The cars were flanked
by beefy looking men and women in trench coats with receiver
jacks in their ears. A crowd of about 200 quickly swarmed the
lot and blocked the entrance. It was quite eerie, looking into
the windows of these minivans. The stares of the delegates mirrored
the blank looks to be found on those of the riot police. People
were very polite to the security and the cops that came onto
the scene to protect the delegates. We were gently, but firmly
saying, "Today you will not go to your conference. Think
about why we are here".
The vans backed
down into the lot and through a small gate in a boarded-up fence,
and disappeared from view. I climbed up the fence for a peek
and watched the delegates get out of the vans and grab their
briefcases. A small swarm rounded a fence corner, where it was
possible to see through, and began a "SHAME ON YOU!"
chant. After a few minutes of fence sitting, I was shocked to
alertness when the delegates began putting on gas masks. I was
incredulous. Were the police going to gas us, so the delegates
could get through?
On the
way to the bus depot, some of our eyes, noses, and throats begin
to burn. It's unmistakable: our original point of blockade has
been tear gassed. We could only guess that property damage was
going on, and the word on the street, of people approaching us,
searching for fresh air, confirms this. I see someone toss a
spewing can of beer, missing a police officer, and we cut out.
We find bathrooms at the bus depot, and listened to the TV reports.
It's sickening. Coming off the high of successful civil disobedience,
we're told by the news, "How disheartening it is to see
all of Seattle's lights and ribbons ruined for the Holiday Shopping
Season." Vapid reporting such as this soon gives way to
the reports that things are beginning to get quite out of hand.
It is time to leave.
So, yes, there
were thousands and thousands of people acting with dignity. NPR
did some pretty good reporting on this. What are people hearing
in the mainstream media? I have good pictures too.
With peace,