Mexican Lucha Libre: Join WiLDCOAST to Fight Ocean Enemies (4/07)
Scientist warns of threat to last stronghold of endangered turtle (4/06)
Waves not walls: border pollution solutions (4/05)
Scripps researchers find clear evidence of human-produced warming in world’s oceans (4/05)
Fishers and their families at risk from polluted fish (4/05)Fish Wars: How cheap oil drives industrial longline fishing (4/04)
Groups call on Wal-Mart to influence retailer to end sales of whale and dolphin meat in Japan (4/04)
Green Coalition criticizes cruise industry claims of improved environmental performance (4/04)The Best and Worst beaches throughout California (6/03)
Replenishing rockfish populations (4/03)
Polar bear faces extinction (2/03)
Fish catch leveling off (2/03)
Ignored species play key role in ecosystem interactions (2/03)
Prescription drug pollution may harm humans, aquatic life (2/03)
Court stops Makah whale hunt (1/03)
Industrial fishing threatens sharks, dolphins, billfish (1/03)Tiny phytoplankton play a large role in earth's climate system (12/02)
Sea turtle strandings reached record high last summer (12/02)
Adopt a nest of adorable sea turtle hatchlings (12/02)
Angler and diver support needed in fish tagging project (11/02)
Massachusetts Attorney General's call for moratorium on offshore facilities (11/02)
Compliance plan for EU for the conservation of Atlantic tunas (11/02)
Environmental Defense defends states' rights to control offshore drilling decisions (10/02)
Public calls on US government to protect the world's coral reefs (10/02)
North Atlantic swordfish show dramatic recovery (10/02)
Climate change threatens the future of marine ecosystems (9/02)
Greenland ice sheet flows faster during summer melting (8/02)
House votes to protect California coast from offshore drilling (8/02)
Pacific rockfish closures tough, but much-needed (8/02)
House committee votes to rollback fish conservation laws (8/02)
Environmental Defense decries administration action on California offshore drilling (6/02)
Report links sprawl to declining coastal health (5/02)
Website highlights safe seafood selections (5/02)
Antarctic ice shelf collapse is largest in 30 years (4/02)
Terrorism and the war on whales (4/02)
Longline fishing threatens world’s albatrosses and other birds with extinction (4/02)Structural engineer to research best ways to stabilize seaside cliffs (11/01)
Scientists chart iron cycle in ocean (10/01)
Monitoring coastal waters from Tijuana to Ensenada (8/01)
Global warming and human impacts combine destructive forces on coral reefs (6/01)
Dangerous Currents (4/01)
Shellfish aquaculture can clean waterways (3/01)
Potentially harmful human viruses in coastal waters (3/01)
Clean diesel power key to success of maritime industry (3/01)
New Storm Water Program (2/01)
Aiborne nitrogen contributes pollution to US estuaries (1/01)Not so dolphin-friendly tuna from Mexico in US supermarkets? (12/00)
Humane Society urges sanctions against Japan's whaling policies (12/00)
San Diego Bay Council names Clean Water Leaders, Losers (11/00)
San Diego BayKeeper and Surfrider Foundation threaten sewage lawsuit (11/00
Transfer of microorganism facilitated by ballast water (11/00)
Finding helps identify how chlorine, ozone and other greenhouse gases develop from ocean/air interactions (9/00)
CMC Report finds oceans overfished, overpollutted, and underprotected (8/00)
Pacific leatherback turtles face extinction (7/00)
Public speaks to regional water board about Navy concerns (6/00)
New research on long-term ocean cycles reveals rapid global warming in new future (5/00)
Melting of earth's ice cover reaches new high (4/00)
Public speaks out against growing navy nuclear risks (3/00)
After 5-year battle, Mitsubishi ends Baja Mexico salt plant project (3/00)
Transgenic fish could threaten wild populations (2/00)
Coastal Commission approves more nuclear carriers in San Diego Bay over community objections (1/00)
UN takes steps toward saving Laguna San Ignacio (1/00)
Pollution related beach closures (8/97)
2-stroke engines pollute 2 much (8/97)
Paddle for Clean Water on August 16th (8/97(
Cigarette butts and beverage containers top beach litter (8/97)
"Death Zones" in San Diego Bay (7/97)
Lawsuit seeks to clean up bay (7/97)
EHC's action plan for toxic hot spots in San Diego Bay (7/97)
Environmental update (4/97)
Support the Beach Safety Bill (3/97)Pollution strikes La Jolla beaches (11/96)
8th annual Beach Cleanup Day on September (9/96)
Dolphin-safe tuna fishing and bycatch (2/96)
Turtle-safe shrimping (2/96)
Beach pollution (1/96)
Testing the waters (8/95)
San Diego City Council approves a "final solution" for the Tijuana River Valley (6/95)
San Diego's clean water wars: reports from the front lines (4/95)
Ocean water quality threats off San Diego (3/95)
A surfer's guide to surviving polluted water (3/95)
It comes down to the coasts (8/94)
The bridge to nowhere [Chula Vista Nature Center] (2/94)
Oceanographer works for scale (12/93)