Web Links

Also see the links on the Earth Day Network page



 Earth Day Canada  
 Earth Day Groceries Project! Earth Day project for school-age kids
 Earth Day Network Main national/international Earth Day organizer's site.
 Earth Day Online Earth Day New York and the national Earth Day Network
 Happy Earth Day Coloring Book Project by the EPA
PlanetPals.com and PlanetPals.com/earthday Ezine. Huge repository of earth-related information for kids: Recycle kits, Recycle Crafts, Energy pages, Peace Pages, Earthday Stickers to send, Earthday Greetings to send, Earthday Countdown, Environmental Calendar, Earthday Pledge 2000, Ideas for TEACHERS and PARENTS, and LOTS more.
 Project NatureConnect A year-round Earth Day activity - reconnecting with nature.
Sacramento Area Earth Day Network