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Audubon Society, San Diego Chapter and National The mission of the National Audubon Society is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. Founded in 1905, the National Audubon Society is named for John James Audubon (1785-1851), famed ornithologist, explorer, and wildlife artist. San Diego site has information on local field trips, membership, bird counts and other activities
Biodiversity and Conserevation: A Hypertext Book A comprehensive introduction to biodiversity and conservation is divided into 16 chapters and covers topics such as the history of life, depletion and extinction from overexploitation, and deforestation.
Biodiversity and Ecosystems Network Fosters enhanced communications and collaborations among those interested in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem protection, restoration, and management.
The Butterfly Gardener's Association The Butterfly Gardener's Association exists to foster appreciation of
butterflies and other creatures. We emphasize the need for conservation of
natural habitats in our communities and around the world.
Chula Vista Nature Center Seek to educate the public about the importance of enhancing and conserving wetlands and other coastal resources.
Coastal Ecosystems Research Foundation A non-profit organisation whose aim is to fund ecological research through eco-tourism. Research is presently focused on the whales and dolphins of British Columbia's Central Coast.
Earthlife Africa Home Page Earthlife Africa is an organisation of people who are concerned about African Green issues which revolve around people and the environment.
EcologyFund.com EcologyFund is owned and operated by CharityMall.com as a way to get new funds for critical habitat and wilderness preservation using the power of the internet. When you "click to donate" their sponsors pay the project you selected to preserve the number of square feet shown by each project. You pay nothing. If you register, CharityMall will donate 500 square feet of wilderness in your name, and will keep a running tally for you of all the land you have preserved.

All monies from sponsorships and shopping commissions generated on EcologyFund go to purchase and protect wild lands. Sponsors are interested in supporting wilderness preservation for the same reasons we are: 1) its good for the environment, 2) our advertising budgets can do double duty and accomplish something important, and 3) the best form of public relations is good work.

Endangered Species Act On-line Resource Guide WWF's mission is to conserve nature and ecological processes by: preserving genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity; ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable now; and in the longer term, for the benefit of all life on Earth, promoting actions to reduce to a minimum pollution and the wasteful exploitation and consumption of resources and energy.
Endangered Species Program - US Fish & WIldlife Service  Protecting endangered and threatened species and restoring them to a secure status in the wild is the primary objective of the endangered species program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
National Audubon Society  Mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and earth's biological diversity.
National Bird-Feeding Society Everything you would want to know about feeding birds.
Nature Conservancy of California A private, non-profit organization and a branch of the world’s leading conservation group. Our mission is to preserve this state’s remarkable biological diversity by protecting the lands and waters that native species need to survive and thrive. They do so by safeguarding the natural areas that make California such a remarkable place.
San Diego Canyon Coalition
The San Diego Canyon Campaign is formed to facilitate the establishment of local canyon protection groups, and to increase communication among the newly formed and already established canyon groups in San Diego. In recognition of the value of Open Space and the unique and valuable plants and animals in San Diego1s canyon, the Canyon Coalition will endeavor to :
  • Encourage and support new canyon groups
  • Help groups protect and enhance canyon habitat
  • Create opportunities for neighbors to enjoy the canyons and learn more about them
  • Increase awareness of the Canyons' value
San Dieguito River Park [in San Diego County, CA]: The vision of the River Park is to preserve and interpret the natural and cultural resources of the river valley from the river's source on Volcan Mountain, north of Julian, to the Pacific Ocean in Del Mar.
Sierra Club
San Diego Chapter
The Sierra Club has over 600,000 members. Our mission statement:
  • Explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth;
  • Practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources;
  • Educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment;
  • Use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.
Southern Utah Resource Alliance  The voice of one of America's most threatened andscapes - the wild and unspoiled Colorado Plateau. Committed to saving the magnificent canyon country of Southern Utah.
World Wildlife Fund Global Network  Mission is to conserve nature and ecological processes by: preserving genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity; ensuring that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable now and in the longer term, for the benefit of all life on Earth; promoting actions to reduce to a minimum pollution and the wasteful exploitation and consumption of resources and energy.