National awards for local energy efficiency programs
he Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) announced
today a national environmental award for San Diego Gas & Electric Company
(SDG&E) and its parent Enova Corporation. This is the first time in
the environmental group's 25-year history it has recognized a private-sector
utility for contributions to the public interest.
SDG&E received the award for its long-term commitment
to energy efficiency programs, which have saved its customers more than
782 million kilowatt-hours of electricity over the past ten years - enough
to power 140,000 homes for a year.
"SDG&E has been a leader in a campaign to secure
a better energy future for its customers and community," said Ralph
Cavanagh, co-director of NRDC's Energy Program. "Today, the company's
energy-efficiency strategies are among the best anywhere at delivering increased
productivity, lower operating costs and improved environmental quality."
SDG&E's energy efficiency programs give customers
incentives for using energy-efficient and environmentally-effective measures,
including weatherization, new efficient lighting, heating, ventilation and
air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. The energy savings reduce
long-term operating costs for businesses and improve the environment through
reduced emissions.
"The energy-efficiency programs installed by our
customers since 1977 have saved them more than $500 million in energy costs
each year, and kept more than 5 million tons of pollutants out of the atmosphere,"
said Donald Felsinger SDG&E president and chief executive officer. "These
energy-efficient partnerships are a win-win solution for the community,
the economy and the environment."
According to Cavanagh, utilities are in a unique position
to encourage customer energy-efficiency, which results in significant environmental
Manager of SDG&E's energy efficiency programs Greg
Haddow is enthusiastic about customer participation. "Energy efficiency
works when our customers understand our programs. Our job is to promote
that understanding. Energy efficiency happens when we partner with our customers."
The programs
The following programs are currently available.
Residential Customers
Customers can receive cash incentives or rebates for replacing lighting
with energy efficient lamps and fixtures. Rebate coupons may be found along
with qualifying items at most home improvement, discount, and some grocery
and drug stores.
- Weatherization and energy surveys
SDG&E provided these services to more than 30,000 residents
in 1995. Their most popular offer is the "Mail-in Home Energy Profile."
This survey, divided into four categories: energy, water, transportation
and recycling, will show how your household is currently using resources.
After completing the survey and returning in the provided postage-paid envelope,
you will receive a free compact fluorescent light bulb, and a summary of
your survey results and savings recommendations. Tables and charts will
show how your household uses energy and how much various appliances cost
to operate. They will also estimate your annual savings if you adopt energy
and water-efficient changes. Call the number below to request your survey.
- Energy efficient appliances
- Rebates ranging from $25 to $250 are available upon request from most
appliance dealers on high-efficiency refrigerators, freezers and washers.
Refrigerator rebates are also available to take older models out-of-service.
Also available upon request is a brochure: "100 ways to save energy
and how much are your appliances using?"
Commercial Customers
SDG&E offers discounts on high-efficiency motors involved in a wide
range of commercial and industrial operations.
- New construction
- S
DG&E can help customers design energy-efficient commercial
or industrial construction projects.
- Heating, ventilating and air conditioning
- Customers can replace rooftop air conditioners with more efficient models,
and rebates are available for electric and combination gas/electric units.
Customers interested in participating in energy efficiency programs please
call SDG&E's 24-hour customer service line: 1-800-411-SDGE (7343).
If you're interested in attending a presentation on
SDG&E's conservation programs, see the 2/14 Community Calendar entry
for Zero Population Growth under Organizational meetings.