Home energy treasure hunt |
provided by Alliance to Save Energy |
id you know that your home probably produces twice as much greenhouse gas emissions plus more of some air pollutants than your car? Due to home emissions from such things as furnaces, as well as emissions from power plants that generate your home's electricity, the average home is responsible for 22,000 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually compared to 10,000 for the average car. Power$mart: Easy Tips to Save Money and the Planet, a new booklet by the Alliance to Save Energy, presents a win-win solution to this dilemma for both consumers and the environment. The booklet demonstrates how today's smart, energy-efficient technologies, by getting the most from every energy unit, can cut home utility bills by 30 percent while also reducing energy use, needless air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. Through delightful illustrations, Power$mart follows a family of four and its dog on its home energy treasure hunt as they capture lost energy dollars and discover ways to save money, increase their comfort, reduce pollution, and relax afterward while these benefits continue month after month and year after year with little additional effort. "Energy production and use account for nearly 80 percent of air pollution, more than 88 percent of heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions, and more environmental damage than any other human activity," reports Alliance President David M. Nemtzow. "Fortunately, affordable energy-efficient technologies and products can provide more comfortable homes and meet our other modern-day personal and business needs without sacrifice." Power$mart is based on the findings of two rounds of focus groups of homeowners with families as well as in-depth, one-to-one interviews with ten upper elementary and middle school science teachers in Ohio, California, Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. They provided input on what they wanted in a booklet and nationwide campaign to increase their awareness of energy efficiency and to motivate them to be more energy efficient. Packed with easy-to-read tips for use by homeowners, educators, students, and shoppers, Power$mart provides users with the power and the knowledge to make wise choices that meet their lifestyles and needs. Here's a sampling: |
To obtain a booklet, send a self-addressed, #10 envelope and $3 to: Power$mart, Alliance to Save Energy, P.O. Box 33939, Washington, DC 20033-0939. Power$mart, can also be previewed on the Alliance's web site: www.ase.org/powersmart |