Table of Contents
- Crisis? What crisis?
- The war on pests
- Chemical pesticides are becoming a losing proposition. In addition
to unwanted toxic effects in the environment, the pests learn to tolerate
them. IPM ­p; Integrated Pest Management ­p; relys on a mixture of
modern and ancient techniques to replace toxic pesticides.
IPM alive and well in San Diego
- Local growers use IPM for crops like strawberries and avocados.
Green pet care
- Can killing bugs kill our pets?
- Unfortunately, it's far too easy to poison our pets when going
after insects and other household pests. Fortunately, there are many safe
- Healthy pets, no fleas
- Make sure that your flea treatments don't harm your pet.
Air Quality
The Port District doesn't know which way the
wind is blowing!
- Residents of Barrio Logan and Coronado protest releases of toxic
methyl bromide the Port District uses to fumigate produce. The promised
recycling equipment is years late, and the monitoring system almost worthless.
- Tiny particles in air liked to 1,000 early
deaths in San Diego
- San Diego ranks the thireeenth worst in the nation for particulate
air pollution.
- Take care of your air
- Natural processes like lightening create ozone and other ions that
naturally clean the air outdoors. Ion generators can do the same indoors.
San Diego Earth Day
- "Hey mister, where's your cow?
- Students at Jefferson Elementary learn about organic methods on
a farm tour at Be Wise Ranch in north county.
- EarthFair '96 report
Observations from the edge
- "L" is for lacking
- Our resident eco-radical ponders the necessities of life and all
that other unnecessary stuff we acquire anyway.