Getting the right stuff
Getting farm-fresh organic produce is easy ... if you know where to
by Randl Rupar
hroughout San Diego county, local farmer's markets have
become a mecca for those following the gourmet mantra "fresh is best."
Held once a week in a number of communities, these open-air markets offer
an abundance of locally-grown, seasonally-fresh, pesticide-free fruits and
vegetables. Once your taste buds have sampled the difference between locally-grown
foods and those from the supermarket produce bin, you are sure to become
a devotee of the farmer's market.
The following is a list of certified farmer's markets.
One word of caution: not all items displayed are organically grown; be sure
to ask about the vendor's growing practices before purchasing.
Community Day Time Location
Carlsbad Wedn 3pm-6pm Roosevelt St. between Grand Ave. &
Carlsbad Village Dr.
Chula Vista Thur 3:30pm-6pm 3rd Ave. between E St. & F St.
Coronado Tues 2:30pm-6pm Corner of 1st & B St., old
ferry landing
Del Mar Sat 1pm-4pm Camino Del Mar at 10th St.
Escondido Tue 3:30pm-7pm Grand & Broadway
Kensington Sun 10am-2pm El Cajon Blvd. at Marlborough St.
Mission Valley Thur 2pm-6:30pm Mission Valley Center, south
parking lot
Ocean Beach Wed 4pm-7pm 4900 block of Newport Ave.
Oceanside Thur 9:30am-Noon Corner of North Hill & 3rd St.
Pacific Beach Sat 8am-Noon Mission Blvd, betweeh Reed St. and
Pacific Beach Drive
Vista Sat 8am-11am Corner of Eucalyptus St.
and Escondido Ave.