As the Multiple Species Conservation Program plan rolls toward acceptance, many in the environmental community are expressing serious doubts.
by Carolyn Chase
ixty conservation activists, scientists and community
members gathered together at the Buena Vista Audubon's Nature Center next
to Buena Vista Lagoon in Carlsbad on January 25th. They were there to discuss
the status of regional multiple species conservation planning efforts and
specifically the "Multiple Species Conservation Plan" (MSCP Plan).
The MSCP outlines conservation standards for
most of the 900 square miles in the southernmost portion of the County.
For the past five years, negotiations between federal, state and local agencies
and jurisdictions, building industry representatives and environmentalists
have labored to birth this new approach to endangered species management.
This new "habitat-based" approach purports to protect 87 species
of plants and animals by designing a process which they hope will lead to
the creation a connected preserve system over the course of 30 years. The
plan has received wide attention as a possible model for habitat planning
in other parts of the nation.
The details of the MSCP are complex and over-arching.
The plan seeks to achieve a compromise between parties with widely disparate
interests. It's no surprise that few endorse the plan without reservations.
The key question for the environmental community is: is the plan an acceptable
compromise? To this end, the meeting addressed such questions as: What has
been your experience with the MSCP? How does it relate to "conservation
on-the-ground?" Will it really protect endangered species? Will it
really protect the species that it says it does? How does the plan need
to change to earn our support?
It was clear from the meeting that many responsible
groups and individuals have serious doubts about the plan.
Also contributing to worries about the MSCP
is the city's major companion piece, the so-called "Zoning Code Update"
(see "Streamlining or Steam-rolling?" SDET 1/97). The Update is
a multi-hundred-page modification and consolidation of all of the City's
Land Development Regulations. It also represents the ordinances and guidelines
that would be used to implement and enforce the MSCP.
The draft Environmental Impact Report for the
Update makes it abundantly clear that the city is planning a wide variety
of significant changes that have had only narrow public involvement up to
this point. But as the details keep emerging, more people are getting concerned
about the trade-offs and are asking, "what kind of future are we planning
here in San Diego?"
At least two groups have decided to oppose
the MSCP at this point in its evolution. The Boards of Directors of both
of the San Diego California Native Plant Society and the Friends of Los
Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve have recently voted to oppose the plan
based on a specific list of problems.
The California Native Plant Society has a specific
list of 17 issues which has led them to take a principled stand against
the MSCP. According to Bertha McKinley, speaking for the society, "Our
focus on the science has led our Board to determine they would not want
their name being circulated in association with the plan at this time."
While falling short of rejecting the plan,
the Carmel Valley Community Planning Board expressed these reservations:
"It appears that the MSCP proposes that land within this "preserve" will be protected and that all other open space will be open to development."
"The MSCP will not receive public support if it becomes a trade-off that allows development in or reduces protection of all open space outside the preserve."
"The area to the north of Los Peñasquitos Canyon Preserve known as Del Mar Mesa encompasses one of the few remaining intact natural open space areas in coastal San Diego which contains resources such as salt marsh, coastal sage scrub, and southern maritime chaparral which provide habitat for many rare species. Yet development is shown on most of this area...."
"It is questionable if future development proposals will be reviewable by communities on their own merits."
Other groups, including the Sierra Club, Audubon
Society and Endangered Habitats League, are still considering their options.
According to Endangered Habitats League Director
Dan Silver, "At this point, the League is not in support of the plan
but is working hard to resolve the problems." Michael Beck of the League
adds, "If this program is adopted it's going to be a hell of an experiment.
This is our chance to take the hardest look to elevate the conservation
of the program."
The Sierra Club has identified a number of
areas where there are necessary improvements to the Plan including:
According to Adams, "There are parts of
this plan that are terrible, and there is reason to believe that we are
actually losing mitigation in exchange for gaining some potential connectivity.
There is no question that many protections outside of the preserve are proposed
to be lost."
Many community members are especially upset
about what they consider to be the unethical move to slip into the MSCP
the San Diego City Manager's development plan for Pardee property located
on the top of Carmel Mountain - the so-called Neighborhood 8A.
On October 31, 1995, the City Council, in a
packed hearing, voted to continue the adoption of this plan and pursue another
solution with all the parties. The Planning Commission unanimously stated,
"the biological resources should dictate the preserve boundary ...
the development proposal should not determine the preserve boundary within
Neighborhood 8A."
Somehow, since then, a map for this same plan
has appeared as part of the MSCP.
The people putting the MSCP Plan together seem
to feel that the city's recent $9 million acquisition of steep bluff property
on the northern side of the mesa should have the conservation community
flushed with victory and not asking for more. But according to biologist
Isabelle Kay, "The area will suffer from massive edge effects if they
allow several hundred homes along the current island of habitat. It is entirely
likely that you would end up with a situation where you have nothing but
the limited amount of plant life that could survive after the animal life
has been lost."
As of this writing, the MSCP was going to be
heard before the City Planning Commission in late January. The critical
hearings to follow will be held before the City Council. Public support
will be needed if the Plan is to be improved.
To find out the date for the City Council hearing,
please call the 24-hour MSCP information line at (619) 570-1099. To be added
to the San Diego Conservation email or fax list that sends out regular updates
on matters of importance to the quality of life and future development of
San Diego, call the voicemail for Californians for Quality of Life at (619)
Meet others helping to make a difference in
this town and learn how you can help. Come to a party for the citizen's
political action committee: Californians for Quality of Life. $5 for members,
$10 non-members. Includes some food and drink. Questions or RSVP: C-QUAL
voicemail at 496-3302. Party will be February 18, 6:30-8:30pm at Callahan's
in the Mira Mesa Mall, NW corner of Camino Ruiz and Mira Mesa Blvd.