UN HABITAT II conference
by Lori Shook
he United Nations will convene the Second UN Conference
on Human Settlements, HABITAT II, in Istanbul, Turkey, from 3-14 June, 1996.
Themes of the Conference are sustainable human settlements in an urbanizing
world and adequate shelter for all. HABITAT II culminates a series of United
Nations conferences that have addressed topics such as environment, population,
social development and women.
The goals of the conference are:
- To make the world's cities, towns and villages healthy, safe, equitable
and sustainable.
- To raise global and national awareness of the positive role of cities
and towns.
- To improve people's living environments.
- To design, adopt and implement a Global Plan of Action.
A preparatory meeting for HABITAT II, "From Cairo
to Istanbul: International Symposium on Human Settlements and Habitat,"
will be held on March 31 through April 2, hosted by the International Institute
for Human Resources Development and the University Center on Aging, College
of Health and Human Services, San Diego State University, and co-sponsored
by UN HABITAT II and UN Population Fund.
The symposium provides a forum for policy makers, planners,
and scholars to discuss focused issues related to the agenda of the 2nd
UN Conference on Habitat. More specifically, the International symposium
will consider the interrelatedness of population, environment and human
settlements and the linkages between the Rio Summit, the Cairo Conference
on Population, the Copenhagen World Summit for Social Development, the Beijing
Conference on Women and the Istanbul HABITAT II. The main objective of the
SD Symposium is to make a scientific contribution and to present its conclusions
and recommendations to HABITAT II in Istanbul.
The conference cost is $150 for full participation or $125 for observers. For more information, contact: Dr. Shuman (SDSU) at (619) 594-2817, fax 594-2811, email: tshuman
mail.sdsu.edu.; or Afra Roet (SD/TJ chapter of Society for International Development) at 296-3459; or Anne Hoiberg (UNA) at 223-8074.
There's also an on-line internet symposium being held in conjunction with
a meeting going on in Brownsville, TX. The URL is: http://www.triplesoft.com/bisn.