Table of Contents
- Internet, anyone?
Habitat preservation
- Forests nationwide brutally clear-cut
- Take your blood pressure medicine before you read this.
Resource Protection Ordnance: down but not out
- Can a compramise be found to save local resource protections?
- UN HABITAT II conference
Politics and Ecology
San Diego's congressional Environmental Scorecard
finds heroes and zeroes
- Some get an A+, others an F. If you follow the political scene,
you could probably guess the results.
Cougars and Humans: who is attacking whom?
- The concerns are real, but the solution is a sham. Cast your NO
vote on Prop. 197 to stop this trophy hunter's boondoggle.
- Wall-to-wall improvements with the environment
in mind
- Now you can buy carpeting that you know can be recycled
Global Ecology
- The Next Reformation
- The breakdowns in our environment and economy are generally viewed
with alarm and pessimism. However, futurist Paul Hawken finds in them the
seeds of a new reformation that will alter our life for the better as significantly
as the industrial revolution.
Local Ecology
Environmental technology challenge issued -
and accepted
- Chula Vista leads the way in this national program
Observations from the edge
'H' is for hypocrisy
- Out local eco-radical takes on smoking, soda pop, consumerism,
and all those other things we love so much. Ouch!
San Diego Earth Day
March volunteer meetings announced