Attend Awards Reception
in honor of Earth Day
San Diego EarthWorks presents the V.I.P. (Very Important Planet) Reception and E.A.R.T.H. Awards, plus the Earth Day Raffle for a KYOCERA Solar Power system
Thursday, May 19th - 6:00pm-9:00pm
City of San Diego Environmental Services
9601 Ridgehaven Court - Kearny Mesa
Business and community members will gather at EarthWorks 15th annual VIP Reception observing the Earth Day 2005 theme, “Love Our Earth.”
- San Diego EarthWorks' E.A.R.T.H. (Environmental And Restoration That Helps) Awards and City of San Diego Waste Reduction and Diversion Awards, presented by Mayor Dick Murphy
- Clean Air Awards from the Air Pollution Control District presented by County Board of Supervisor's Chair Pam Slater-Price
- Councilmember Donna Frye will select the winning raffle ticket in the Earth Day Solar Power Raffle.
- “World Buffet” and Silent Auction.
For more information, to make a donation to the silent auction, to volunteer, or to reserve $40 single / $75 couple pre-event tickets, call (858) 272-7370, visit, or email
The VIP Reception benefits San Diego EarthWorks, a year-round, volunteer-run nonprofit organization dedicated to a clean, healthy and prosperous future. Volunteer online at
Nominate your “Earth Hero”
for an E.A.R.T.H. Award
Nomination deadline is May 6
Do you know an individual, business or organization that should be recognized for their contribution to our environment and quality of life? If you do, nominate them for an E.A.R.T.H. (Environmental Action and Restoration That Helps) Award. All businesses and individuals operating or headquartered in San Diego County are welcome to apply. There is a special award for youth achievements. Self-nominations are accepted.
Nominations must be received in the San Diego EarthWorks office no later than May 6, 2005.
For more information, or to download a nomination form, please visit, or call the EarthWorks office at: (858) 272-7370. 